"Good evening Ms Parker and thank you for taking my call. My name is Gary Bettman and I am the commissioner of the NHL.  Thank you for taking my call."

"My pleasure, Mr. Bettman. How can I be of assistance?"

"It's been brought to my attention that you know a player by the name of Jayson Alexander. Is that correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok good. Mr. Alexander has referred me to you and your establishment and I was wondering if you could help me out with something. You see, I want to set up a charity event and have players from all over the league attend this event. Now normally we do it at one of the many hockey arenas and this year I wanted to hold it in a different location. "

Mr Bettman and I spoke for a while and we agreed that we would hold this event here. But not only would members from all the teams show up in attendance the fans would participate too. But I also suggested that he let me speak to the sanctioning bodies of the WPBA and PBA to see if they wanted to participate as well. Which he agreed to.

So after conferencing in Connie and Jake, the four of us decided we would all meet here at Wayward Lanes to go over more of the details next week.

The time has come and gone and now it's the day where the four of us meet  to discuss this event.

"Jennifer, when my guests arrive please let me know. I am going down to practice for a bit."

"Sure thing boss lady."

I stretch out for a bit and start practicing. Everything just shuts down around me and its nothing but myself and those pins. No stress, no worries.

After a few I hear a voice clearing behind me and I see Jennifer with Connie, Jake and I am guess Mr. Bettman.

"Still look good out there Rochelle."

"Thanks Ms Connie. Mr. Jake. And I am guessing that makes you Mr. Bettman."

"That is correct young lady." Mr. Bettman says with a smile and hand shake.

"Give me a few minutes to clean up and we can head  into my office."

I cleaned up and let Jennifer know that I was done for a while and brought my guests into my office and we sat down and talked.

Details were discussed on how the charity event is supposed to go. And because it was hosted in my center I agreed to roll out the first ball for this.

I am not going to be participating because this is my center and that would be unfair. Be I did tell them all that I would be present at all events.

This is actually an amazing opportunity to bring bowling to hockey and hockey to bowling. 

The meeting was over, I walked to the front desk where I noticed Ms. Connie was still around.

"Rochelle can we talk?"

"Of course. Is everything ok?"

"Yes of course.  I was just wondering if you have given any thought about coming back on the tour?"

"I have at times but personally I don't know if I am actually ready."

"Rochelle, I watched you on those lanes since you were a kid. Even watched you before you noticed we were standing there. You're ready. "

"Do you actually believe that?"

"Sweetie, that car accident was not your fault.  No one could predict that guy running the red light. Or the amount of alcohol that was in his system."


"No buts Rochelle. It would mean so much to so many people."

"Thank you. Do you think it would be ok."

"Young lady, you have the entire WPBA behind you."

"Ok. But not at this event. It would be unfair since this is my place."

"Agreed. We will discuss it more over the coming weeks' events."


We shook hands and she went on her way.

I went behind the counter and hung up a note by the clock in/out computer.

Attention all employees,
There will be an employee meeting next Sunday at 7pm.
All employees need to be in attendance. And yes you will be getting paid for this.

I smiled at Jennifer and let her know that what the meeting was about since she was already working that day and she was my shift manager.

She agreed to keep the details quiet about everything that is going to be taken place in the next several months.

Ugh it going to be a long couple of  months.

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