Chapter 4 [Remastered]

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Y/N made his way over through the tree line, seeing the river guardian in his pond. "Gods, for something that guards a vast amount of water, it needs soap to go with it." (y/n) gags and doesn't notice a small ring of smoke from beneath his feet. Meg, soon breaks the tree line, as well seeing the blue centaur in clear view. "Hades wants... this? To work for him?" Meg questions, looking back at her acquaintance. A dotted outline of Y/N flashes in the same place where he once stood. "MOTHER FU....." Meg is cut off as a shadow is cast over her and the river guardian now stands in front of her.

-Scene swipe-

Black smoke swirls back in the underworld and Y/N stands as it vanishes. "Oh, thank you, Father I don't know if I was going to be able to hold in the gyro I had for lunch if I stayed there any longer." Y/n gags again, thinking about the river guardian. 

"Well, what can I say, huh? I miss my boy!! What's it been three years?" Hades laughs, wrapping an arm around Y/N and pulling him close in a tight hug. Y/N moves Hades' arm. "It's only been a few hours, I was going to help protect Meg from the river guardian remember?" y/n points at the guardian mini figure on the world map. "Yeah well, Meg is a big girl, she'll manage by herself." 

Hades walks over to the map. "But I have something much bigger for you. I need you to ride to the city of Thebes. One of my monsters is trying to get out, and I need you to put it back in its pen." Hades plays with his hydra figure and puts it in a small rock pile he has on the table.

"The hydra again? Fine, but I'll need something for my arms, the last time I tried to wrangle that thing it nearly bit my arm off." (y/n) rubs his hand over a scar in the shape of a bite mark. Hades thinks for a moment, rubbing his chin. Hades gets a smirk on his face. "Yes, that can work..." Hades rushes off, bringing back a purple box with a black skull as a lock. "Here you go, my son. New bracers." Hades slowly opens the box showing the new bracers of blacked bronze with (f/c) wrappings and black leather straps. In the center of the bracers are more black skulls with blue flames coming from the eyes, chains also hang from the top of the bracers. (y/n)'s eyes widen as he grabs his new armor. "Father... these are the bracers of the damned," Y/n explains in awe as he holds them. "I can't think of someone more worthy of them than you, my boy." Hades hugs Y/n making another evil smirk. "Now my son, off you go to Thebes." Hades breaks the hug and turns away. 

"Okay, but, there is still the problem of getting to Thebes father.  It's a three-day ride unless I take the chariot." Y/n explains secretly hoping Hades would let him use it. "No, I'll be needing the chariot later to pick up Meg." Y/n looks down Hades turns his head and gives an honest sad look before turning back and looking down at the pit of death. "But I believe it is time for your own mount." Hades holds his hand towards the spiral of souls, some are plucked from and brought between the two. The souls are then molded by Hades' fire until the figure is completed.

 The souls are then molded by Hades' fire until the figure is completed

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--[Author's note] (The flames are f/c. Imagine it has wings just as firey-like the mane and tail.)--

Y/n's eyes widen as he sees the new mount in front of him. He walks up and places a hand out as the newly born pegasus sniffs his hand and nuzzles its head into Y/n.

"Wait, father... if I go to Thebes and recapture the hydra. People will see me, and that may catch the interest of the other gods." Y/n questions, still petting his new mount.

"I have a plan if/when it comes to that." Hades folds his arms behind his back. "The gods in Olympus seem to have forgotten those that live beneath the clouds. You see, (y/n), I have sent you to capture those monsters because the morals need a hero again. I have trained you. Gave you weapons and armor to save them. Together we will save the mortals and one day rule Olympus as father and son. If the others are to see you, then go the distance, and give them a show. Let them see that you are the next, HERO!" Hades finishes his speech just as (y/n) mounts his pegasus and rides off towards Thebes.

"Awww, look at him go, so full of energy and believing every lie I tell him. Almost made me wish he really was my kid.  Well, he's more mine than Zeus's at this point. But once we take over Olympus... someone still has to run the underworld kid..." Hades smirks as he walks back and sits on his throne picking up some of the broken chains and letting them slide out of his hand.

-Screen swipes-

(y/n) flies through the air with his new mount. Lighting strikes the sky, casing light behind his shadowing figure. As he approaches he can hear the roars of the hydra and the thuds of its footsteps. Y/n holds on tight as his steed folds its wings in and dives bombs down. He closes his eyes letting the wind rush past him and the rain hits his body. Opening his eyes and pulling back on the reins, his pegasus cries out and extends its wings once more as lighting once again strikes the sky now hovering in front of the monstrosity laying havoc upon the city. People in the streets continue running away to a safer distance before turning around and seeing the spectacle before them. Y/n dismounts falling from the air and lands solidly on his feet causing a large impact to the cobblestone road below.

"Okay, ugly, Time to go back into your den," Y/n says only to have the hydra roar once more and try to snap at Y/n. He jumps back, taking out his sword from his belt. "Hard way it is. Just don't cut the head Y/n..." Y/n finishes his self a pep talk as it begins to rain harder. The winds pick up, causing the hooded cape to rise and show off his darkened armor. Y/n raises a hand to the chain that kept the cape attached to his armor, After hesitating for a moment he hears Hades' words in his mind. "...give them a show, let them see that you are the next, HERO!" Finding new determination in himself. Y/n unclips the chain, causing the hooded cape to fly off. 

This now allows the citizens of Thebes to gaze upon the stranger in full view. They begin to wonder who this mysterious person is. Are they the answer to their long-awaited prayers or will this madman just be another walking corpse waiting to be forgotten?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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Fame and glory (Megara X reader) [Remaster WIP]Where stories live. Discover now