Damon salvatore

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⚠️ mentions of ED⚠️

Imagine being the forgotten Gilbert and also Elena's twin and Damon saving you from the abuse!

Y/n's Pov

All I could hear were the constant giggles of the wicked witches, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie. They made it the highlight of their day to find a way to irritate me. It's only gotten worse since Elena's boyfriend Stefan entered the picture.

Not only in school, but also at home, I was used to being the forgotten one. At school, I was always known as Elena's twin, and at home, my parents don't always know I exist. So their deaths didn't have as much of an impact on me as they did on Jeremy and Elena.

Jeremy and I have a love-hate sibling ship! We don't get along, but he doesn't go out of his way to annoy me; instead, he simply ignores me.

Caroline Forbes, the biggest b*tch I know, stopped me on my way down to get a snack! "Y/n, come to get yourself some food; honestly, look at your size; if I were you, I wouldn't eat at all!" She said this while looking me up and down.

"Well, you're lucky you're not me, so please back off!" I explained while I was attempting to return to my room. "Excuse me, what were you saying?" I was about to say something when Caroline slapped me across the face! Elena and Bonnie then joined in.

"I wish I had consumed you in mother's womb, you freak!" Elena said, and before I could respond, I saw a figure push them all aside and him/her pick me up!

Few hours later..

I looked around and realised I wasn't in my bed. "Are you hungry now that you're awake?" That's when I noticed the world's most handsome man! "Can you tell me your name?" I asked, completely ignoring his question!

"Damon and yours, beautiful?" he said, tilting his head. I blushed because I'd never been called that before!

"Y/n and thank you Damon for you know.. saving me back there!" I said

"Well, y/n, I know you, and i going to be great friends, if not more!" "But for now, you need to rest because you have a pretty nasty bruise!" he said as he got closer. I yanked on his shirt as he was about to leave!

"Can you stay with me Damon please?" He than gave in and pulled me close to him

Authors note!

Requests are open I do every character in tvdu!

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