"Don't stop."

I shook my head. Perrie grabbed my jaw and lifted my head. "Kiss me."

I readily obliged, our tongues sliding together easily. She tasted like smoke, and I liked it though I wouldn't have expected to. Perrie continued to moan repeatedly into my mouth as I moved in and out of her, eventually throwing her head back, panting.

"I'm close."

I slowly licked the skin between her breasts up to her neck, sucking the skin into my mouth and biting gently until Perrie cried out, her body shaking and her legs going limp around me. Her body became slightly heavier in my arms as she wilted, and I simply rested my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat slow down again, that and her heavy breathing the only sounds, just waiting for her to come back to earth.

"You can put me down now babe."

"Sorry." I said, setting Perrie back on her feet. She kept one arm around my neck, smiling.

"It's alright... you're stronger than you look."

"You're small, I'm hardly lifting Ricky Hatton, am I?"

"Shut up." Perrie giggled. "That was amazing." She added in a whisper, kissing me softly.


"Can we go to Margate?"


"Margate. Can we go? Today? We can drive there. It won't take long. It's still early. Can we?"

"Where's Margate?"

"You've never been?"


"No way! It's a beach place... thing. Like, Brighton or Southend. But Margate, obviously."

"And you want to go today?"

"Yeah, why not? It's a lovely day."

I didn't answer straight away, but Perrie just laughed and took my hand. "Come on, let's go and have a shower... I wanna say thank you properly for that incredible orgasm I just had..."

The look in her eyes and the way she was biting her lip as she backed out of the room, pulling me with her, brought a smile to my face.

"Okay, what the hell, let's go to Margate, we'll go to bloody Saudi Arabia if you want to."

"Really? Can we go?"

"Yes, if you want to. Show me the magic of Margate."

"You'll love it." Perrie grinned. "We'll have candy floss by the sea and feed the seagulls chips!"

"Great! Sounds like I'm spending the day with a child!" I teased.

"Shut up you... now, I believe I owe you an orgasm."

"I believe you do..."


Margate was quite a run-down place. Perrie insisted it used to be better a few years ago. But I didn't care. When we got there Perrie insisted on buying an enormous sunhat and a lollipop, walking around licking it while we took in the atmosphere around the beach. By the time we stopped at a burger van Perrie was complaining she felt sick and forlornly threw her half-eaten lollipop in the bin.

We walked the length of the beach with a bag of chips as the sun began to set. Families were packing up and leaving, having to wrestle small children away from unfinished sandcastles.

"Can we stay till it goes dark?"

"Yeah, of course. We've got nothing to rush back for have we?"

Nothing Else Matters - Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now