✨Fake Girlfriend? - 1✨

Start from the beginning

Chetan informed him that he is going to visit Mumbai in next two days to see Siri. Rakshit was now confused how will he get a girl who will act as his girlfriend.

He asked his friend Romi to help him to get a girl who will act as his girlfriend or I must say who will be his fake girlfriend Siri.

On the other side,

A girl is seen sitting on a sofa in a beautiful  red and white wedding lehenga with a sad face. There was a table in front of her on which a juice bottle, two glasses and a poison bottle was kept.

The girl was non other than our beautiful Drishti.

Suddenly, the door opened and it was her father

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Suddenly, the door opened and it was her father. He entered inside and asked her to get ready fast and move down as it was getting late.

"I can't marry him. I will die if I marry him!", Drishti said sadly trying to control her tears.

"And if you don't marry I will die!", Her father said and sat opposite to her.

She took one glass and poured some juice in it. She took the poison bottle and pour half of it and pushed the glass towards her father. Her father was going to say something but at the same time her mother entered.

"I was busy finding you both down and you both are here!", Her mother said and sat beside her.

"Your daughter doesn't want to marry him! She is saying if you force her she will drink poison.", Her father said.

"What! Instead you give me only the poison no...", Her mother said dramatically.

She took another glass, pour some juice in it with the left over half bottle of poison and passed the glass to her mother.

"Because of parents like you who force their daughter to marry someone she doesn't like, girls have to face all the problems at their husbands' house. So this is what you deserve.", She said.

"See, the result of our love. She is trying to kill..", her mother was interrupted due to Drishti's giggle.

"See in return what we got.....", Her mother said to her father but she was again interrupted by Drishti but not just a giggle she started laughing uncontrollably.

"Cut! Cut!", Said the director who was pissed off.

So, Yes! Drishti was a YouTube short film actress. She was very innocent and beautiful. She wanted to become a big star one day. She gave auditions but was not selected and ended up being a short film actor.

Her father was no more. She lived in Mumbai for her career while her mother stayed in Nashik because of her job. Drishti loved her mother very much. She used to visit her mother every weekend. Sometimes her mother used to come to Mumbai or sometimes Drishti used to go Nashik.

Drishti was very dedicated to her acting. She never felt low to act in short films. She used to read the comments of her fans and get happy when they praised her.

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