Hearts Were Meant To Break.

Start from the beginning

Styles: Where are you? It's to cold for you to be walking around, I saw the fight with you and Louis.

"Boyfriend?"Jensen spoke up making me focus on him, "Rain check? I'll understand."

"Actually," I showed him the screen, "It's my friend. But I will take you up on the rain check," I hit the home button, "Put your number in, I'll text you later." He smiled at me, taking my phone and tapping away at the screen. "Well," I said, standing up and slipping my phone into my purse, "It was really nice meeting you, I'll text you when I'm free and we can meet up."

He smiled at me, "Yeah, you do that." He pulled me into a hug, "Stay strong kiddo, don't let that stupid boy slid on by without some kind of a fight."

"Celeste." I turned around, finding Harry  standing in the door way letting in the cold air. I waved at him before turning back to Jensen giving him a friendly smile and promising to text or call him later. "Who was he?" Harry asked as we settled in car.

"Just a friend," I replied, pulling my seat belt on, "Why does it matter? I'm a grown adult, I can do whatever I want." I rolled my eyes at him.

He stopped at a red light, "I just don't want you getting raped by a random guy at Starbucks," He joked looking over at me, "To your place? We can watch a movie and talk." 

I looked down at my nails picking at the paint, "You don't have to do that, you should get back to that girl that you were with at the party," I didn't see him, but I'm pretty sure he was with a girl, I mean, it's Harry Styles he's always with a girl.

He stopped in the parking lot outside of my flat, "Actually, I didn't have a girl. I was to worried about you, I should have told you, about Jordan. I knew, but Louis promised me not to tell, he didn't want to ruin things." He laughed dryly, "Look where that got him."

I turned toward Harry, giving him a small smile, "I'm glad you didn't tell me, it means you are a great friend, and I hope you will be a great friend to me,  Harry. I'm in need of one now that Kelly and Niall are dating I have a feeling I'm not going to see much of those two."

He wolf whistled, "Those two are together now?" I nodded, giving him a weird looking, "Nothing." He held up his hands, before opening the door, "How about we get inside where it's warm, make some hot chocolate and watch a chick flick."

I smiled, stepping out of the car also, "That sounds great."


"Hey," Poke. "Hey are you awake?" I groaned, pushing my face further into my pillow, "CELESTE EDWARDS!" I screamed, jumping up and nearly falling off my bed, "Oh, good you are awake." Harry smiled cheekily down at me.

I groaned rubbing my head, "Why did you wake me from my slumber? Wait, why are you wearing my pants?"

He gave my a confused look sitting down on the bed beside me, "I thought these were Lou's pants."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Explains why they say bootylicious across the bum." I laughed as he jumped up, dancing around my small bedroom, "Alright, alright. Sit your bootylicious bum down, before you breaking something. Probably a hip."

He jumped on my bed landing beside me, "Are you calling me old?" He questioned poking my stomach sending me into a laughing fit, "Your birthday is in three days if I'm not mistaking." He rolled over looking up at my ceiling which had little glow in the dark stars glued on it. "What are you going to do about that, you know your mum is going to invite Lou to the party if you have one."

I rolled over facing my wall, "Don't remind me Harry. I just, want everything to be gone. I wish I never went to that stupid concert, I wish that stupid idiot never remembered me, I wish he never cheated on me."

I felt my bed dip in more as Harry rolled toward me placing a hand on my shoulder, "If you hadn't have gone to that stupid concert Niall would have never met his princess, the boys and I would have never met a beautifully amazing girl. Our lives would be so much different right now. Don't ever wish something as stupid as a concert never happened, it had a lot of impact."

I sighed, "I just want this heart break to be over." I whispered more to myself.

"I know you do, love. Now, c'mere."I rolled over burring my face in the crook of Harry's neck, "It'll be over soon, I promise you that." He rubbed my back in circles calming me down as I sobbed quietly into his shoulder. I sure hope you are right Harry, I thought to myself.


So kind of a sad chapter, I restarted it like 10 times because I didn't know how to start the chapter, not happy with the beginning but ehhhh. So what do you think of Jordan? Real bitch, right? Yeah, I hate her. I thought I'd get Harry into this some how since he is Louis' best friend, and Niall is kind of gonna be there less(Tear tear) because he is with Kelly. But, Harry is going to be a good friend for Celeste, and Louis well, I kind of hate him right now. My own character and I hate him lol. But guys! I have 971 reads right now only a couple of more and I'll have 1,000! And it seriously makes me happy because Play It Cool got 1,000 reads AFTER I finished it(It now has close to 2,000!) and this is an on going story I think it would be cool to have 1,000 reads, so do you think we can do it by the end of the year? Share it up!!! And please do comment your thoughts on the chapter, what you hate about it, what you love about it. I really love the feed back, and never ever ever forget to vote! It does my story good (: 

Lots Of Love~

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