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[Piltover, Silence is Golden 5:00 pm]

The sun has set, another day is done as (Y/n) steps out for a moment and flipping the sign to "close". Coming back in he sees Seraphine wiping down the last table from the last patron. It was a slow day so they closed up early to prepare his little surprise for her.

(Y/n): "Thanks for today, Sera. You can head out now and I'll drop by later, alright?" He says as he walks behind the counter and drying cups and mugs.

Seraphine: "Thanks for the day, Chief." She said with an adorable two finger salute, dropping the rag by the sink and going into the break room. Moments later she comes back out with the clothes she came in earlier, "I'll be waiting for you later, (Y/n). See ya!" With that she left with a wave and a pep in her step. Curious and excited of what's to come later tonight.

With Seraphine gone, (Y/n) finishes up cleaning down the café before going to the back and up the flight of stairs that leads up to where he currently lives. Right as he comes up reveals a living room with another TV, a coffee table and a sofa. Entering another door is his bedroom and another door that leads to a bathroom.

A quick shower later, (Y/n) opens a closet inside the bathroom, revealing multitudes of similar three-piece suits that he always wears. Putting it all on, with a long dress coat over it, stepping out into his room, his phone rings by a desk. Picking it up and answering the call.

Taric: "Hello, (Y/n) darling. I've sent a limo to where you are and your payment's in the back." His voice spoke through the phone speakers.

(Y/n): "Much appreciated, Taric. We'll talk about details when I get there." With that he ends the call once more. Going down and locking up the shop and taking out another cigarette as he waits outside.

[Piltover, Piltover Coliseum 5:45 pm]

Taric lets out a sigh as he lowers his phone and letting out a sigh. It was a sigh of relief, knowing security is... well secured. He then knocks on a door with a star on it and enters.

Taric: "Well, I've called in an old friend of mine and he'd deal with personal security, in return he just asked for a VIP ticket." He said to the people in the room. One was on the couch sitting cross leg reading a magazine, beside her was one scrolling through her phone, another in front of a mirror fixing up her make-up and lastly another practicing a few more choreograph. Their attention was now drawn to what their Manager had said.

???: "What, you hired a ninja or something?" Asked the one with the magazine, pulling it down showing her face. Her overall look screamed wild and untamable. This is the groups rapper herself, Akali.

???2: "Well, he better be as good since this is the biggest concert

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???2: "Well, he better be as good since this is the biggest concert. I do hope I don't have to DEAL with them after if anything goes wrong." Said, more like threatened, the woman on her phone. Setting it down to reveal soul piercing yellow eyes that could make you weak in the knees. This is the group's infamous diva, Evelynn.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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