Justin chuckled into the phone. My grip tightened. Yeah, there are things called braille books? Ever heard of them?

"Oh." I felt so dumb. "Yes, I know. I forgot."

Another laugh from his side. It's fine. So, why did you call?

I went with the truth. "I couldn't sleep. Just wanted to talk to someone while I spend the night doing absolutely nothing."

You could've called your other friends? Don't you talk to them?

"I do, but I wanted to talk to you." Great, now I sounded like a creep. I quickly talk again, "my sister wants to meet you."

The reply took time. Your sister? As like, Lara? I reply with a yes. Really? She wanted to actually, see me?

I chuckled. "Yep, that's what she said when I was telling her about you."

I slapped the front of my face hard. The sound was loud. Another thing I had to worry about.

Um... Mike? Are you okay? What was that sound?

"Um, oh... it's nothing. I just... dropped something." I sat up straighter on my bed. "So, what were you saying?" I was begging for a hole to bury myself in.

You were talking to Lara about me?

"No!" I hit myself again. "Yes, I mean, I was just talking about what happened at school and stuff and you tend to come up, a lot." It was true. I did hang out with him the whole day.

You won't have to talk about me if you didn't have to do the whole scholarship thing.

I'd told Justin about the points. He took it harsh the fist day but then I got him to talk to me. I told him that I became his friend because I wanted to, not because of the points. Thank god I was already doing good in class and had enough points already. The ones from helping Justin were extras. He believed me.

Hope though, she took time. I'm surprised that she didn't cause a scene when she found out.

Hello? Mike, you still there?

I snapped back to reality. "Yes I am. Just thinking. You sound calmer through the phone."

I imagines him blushing on his bed, a book on his lap, phone in hand. It's easier to talk. I don't have to worry about wondering if you're with me or not, or if you're looking at me or not. If you're not talking back to me, I could just conclude that you left your phone without hanging up or fell asleep or something.

I nodded before voicing my agreement.

So, why can't you sleep?

"I don't know."

You're serious? You don't know why you can't go to sleep?

"How is it for you when you go to sleep?" I asked instead. Then I realized how rude I'd been. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! What were you saying? Sorry, I was just curious and wanted to know!"

How more can I embarrass myself?

Justin though, he laughed it off. No, it's fine. And sleeping for me, is all about the feeling. Since it's always blurred colors for me, I'm always either seeing dark blurs or light blurs. So, instead, I forced my brain to think about the what I feel since I was little.

"For example?"

Um, like, at school. When it's raining and cold during classes, I might go to sleep because it'd be boring. At home though, the softness of my mattress is enough to send me to deep sleep. I don't have to have the lights off because I could just have the shades on.

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