Mark froze. He hadn't seen the older in months, and now he was peacefully humming in front of him.

"Johnny?" Mark croaked out. He hadn't realized how emotional he had gotten.

A smile crossed Johnny's face that Mark hadn't seen in months. It was his true one, the one Mark knew he only made when he was happy. Truly happy. Johnny was back.

Mark finally stepped inside and closed the door behind him. No words were spoken for a bit. Not like Mark had any words to say. This was all on Johnny.

Johnny stepped forward so that he was closer to Mark. Slowly, he reached forward and wiped a stray tear away from Mark's cheek. Without Mark having to ask, Johnny pulled Mark towards him.

And Mark was whole again.

Johnny softly rubbed his back as Mark cried softly into his shoulder. Johnny was back and Mark held on even tighter, afraid that if he let go, Johnny would leave. He couldn't lose him again.

Mark moved back, but didn't let go of him.

"You're an asshole," Mark mumbled, voice filled with emotion.

"I'm so sorry, Mark. I have reasons for everything," Johnny said softly, moving some hair behind Mark's ear.

Mark finally noticed the change in their dynamic. Johnny was softer towards him, more comforting than ever. And Mark, Mark didn't complain. His heart longed for him, and there he was. All his heart wanted was Johnny, and now he had him again. But, something about it scared Mark.

He jumped back and walked a little ways from Johnny. The older seemed to understand and allowed the distance to be made.

"When Ten left, I was heartbroken beyond belief. I relied on him more than I should off, and I felt a lot of guilt because of it. Ten was the only person I allowed in, and once he left, a part of me left with him," Johnny sighed, fiddling with his fingers. Mark wanted nothing more than to comfort him, but he needed answers before anything else.

"I thought I'd lost everything, but I realized I had you. You'd always been there. Mark, you mean more to me than you will ever know. I didn't realize how much I depended on you until I stop seeing you. I realized I was falling for you. I started to love your laugh, your smile, and even the times you hit me because you were laughing so hard. I started to love everything about you, and it scared me. I didn't want to lose you so, I hid. But, that was stupid because it only hurt on friendship."

"I'm so sorry, Mark. I'm sorry for being stupid. I'm sorry for being scared. I'm sorry for ruining what we had. I shouldn't have pushed you away, you only wanted to help me. You helped me so much, yet I freaked out. I'm so sorry you deserve better than this."

Johnny looked devastated. Yet, despite everything, despite how much Mark was hurting, he rushed forward to hold him.

"It's okay," Mark whispered.

"No, it's not," Johnny croaked out.

"Look, I'm not upset, I just missed you. I never realized how much I depended on you until you left. You were just scared, and I might have been too. But, despite everything, I still cherish you. I've like you for a year now you're not getting rid of me that easily," Mark said softly.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to realize. I wanted to come back, but I wanted to come into terms with everything," Johnny said, now looking Mark in the eye.

Mark smiled, "It's okay, you're here now."

Johnny laughed softly, "You're never getting rid of me now."

"I'm not complaining," Mark said. "I'm the only one that can handle you anyways."

"Mark Lee," Johnny said. "Can I kiss you?"

Mark nodded, and Johnny wasted no time pressing their lips together. It was everything Mark thought it would be. It was soft and sweet, but it was everything he'd been wanting for months. Mark allowed himself to run his fingers through Johnny's hair, which in turn caused the older to sigh into the kiss. Mark giggled as Johnny pulled Mark closer to him. Johnny was surprisingly gentle, never pushing too hard. The only thing Johnny seemed to want was to take care of Mark.

Mark pulled back, sighing deeply. He moved his hand to rest on Johnny's cheek. They were quiet for a while, enjoying each other's presence that they hadn't had in months. Eventually, Johnny moved his head to press a kiss onto Mark's forehand.

"Coach will kill us if we don't have those water machines out," Johnny said.

Mark groaned, "I don't wanna."

"You big baby," Johnny laughed, moving out of Mark's hold. He opened the door open and signaled Mark to go.

Mark didn't walk far before Johnny slipped his hand into his. Mark couldn't wipe the smile off of his face. As long as Johnny was with him, that was all he wanted to feel.

Happiness was something Mark had always longed for and maybe, just maybe, he can find infinite happiness in Johnny.

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