She would throw pebbles at him, and he would instead scream at her.

She came to the side and threw a small stone at him. He got up and looked at her in annoyance. She was giggling. He picked up the stone and threw back at her. She tried to dodge the stone but lost her balance and fell from the terrace.

He screamed her name. The servants ran toward them. They picked her up and took her to a hospital, but she was quickly dead.

He didn't say a word for a whole week neither he cried. His mother would ask him to eat. He would take two bites and go back to his room.

He was again lost in the darkness. He stopped smiling and would rarely talk to anyone. He spent most of his time reading or thinking. He had no interest in games either.

Taaliah's mom was a childhood friend of Laith's mom while their fathers were also close friends.

They lived in Islamabad. When Taaliah was fourteen, they moved to Karachi near Laith's house.

After their transfer, Laith's mom invited them over.

It was Afternoon. The bright shine of the sun was slowly fading.
Taaliah and her mom came to their house.

Halima Rahman welcomed them.
Their house was huge with many rooms and servants. A swimming fool and a backyard.

They went in and Halima kissed Taaliah on the cheek to greet her and began talking to her mother.
They both went upstairs while Taaliah walked toward the kitchen to drink water and see the house.

The house was very open and big. It was a two-story house with stairs on both sides of the house and rooms all around. She was looking all around the house, admiring its beauty.

She asked a servant where the kitchen was. She pointed toward her right. Taaliah went toward the kitchen humming a song.

As she entered the kitchen, she was stunned. She looked at the thing in front of her, wearing ear pods.

The thing had light-brown hair and deep black eyes. His hair was long and messed up making him look like an addict. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and jean.

She stared at him in shock. When he saw her, he touched his ear pod to stop the music.
“Who are you?” He asked. His voice was shrill and cold.
“I am--Taaliah,” she said in her low, warm voice.

He took a step toward her and scanned her from head to toe. She was intimidated.
“Amber eyes, brunette hair and pink lips. Guess you got all the good stuff. Well done!” He said in a very invasive manner.

“That's so rude and...”

“I know. What do you want?”
“I... I wanted some water.”

“Then drink and go,”he said and pressed the ear pod again.

She didn't even drink the water and went upstairs. Her mom was busy talking to Halima. She just sat there for some time then her mom asked her to go out and play.

“Who am I gonna play with?” She asked confused.
“Go play with Laith. He must be in his room,” Halima said.

“Is he not in school?” Taaliah asked.

“No, he doesn't go to school.”

Wow! What a lucky kid. Why doesn't he go to school, though?

Her mom and Halima were talking again, so she got up and went out.

She asked a servant about Laith's room.
She pointed toward a room in the corner. She went toward the room. The door was open. She entered the room.

She looked around in surprise. There was a huge bookshelf on the side. There was a small table on the side with laptop and wires on it.
There was a big sofa on the side and a huge bed in the middle.

The room was messed up. Books were lying on the sofa and the bed.
Everything was out of place.

“These guys have a bed in their study too. They must love their comfort,”She mumbled.

“What are you doing here?”
“Aaahh!” She jumped up and startled. She was horrified.

“Can't you knock?” She asked in frustration.

“This is my room, dumbass. Why would I knock?”

She looked at the room and said,"You live in a study?”

“This ain't a study. It's my fucking room. GET UP!”

She got up from the floor. He took her hand and forced her out.
“Aah,” She shrieked.
“Stop shouting, and look up.”

She looked up at the door. There was a sign saying,”Laith's room. Whoever enters without permission shall be R, I,P.”

“No rest in peace, dumbass. It stands for Raped, Imprisoned or prosecuted.”

She despicably looked at the messed up guy holding a mug.

“You are Laith?”
“No, I am the prime minister of Pakistan,” He said in a sarcastic manner.
He then ignored her and entered the room. She followed him.

“How is this your room?”

“Because this is my father's house and I have to sleep somewhere.”

“Why are these books here?” She pointed at the bookshelf.

“These are my books. I don't like the study, so I keep them here.”

“You read all these, HOW?”

“I just open them up and read.
Hey, Don't you have anything better to do then ask me a bunch of meaningless questions?”

“Your mom said I can play with you.
How can you read so many books?”
She wasn't even looking at the frustration on his face. She was just staring at those books.

“Oh yes! My mom wants me to have a good time. How caring, but since I am fourteen, not three. Get the hell out,”
His voice became even bitter. He continued sipping his coffee.

She turned around and looked at his face. “You don't like your mom?” her voice was now caring not shocking.

“Oh my God! You are like an amateur therapist. Stop asking me questions and get out. I got stuff to do,” He shouted at her.

She almost cried. She was being nice to him, and he just shouted at her face.

“You are so RUDE.”
“Thank you, now will you please leave.”

She got up and walked out holding her tears. She was never treated like this in her life.
“What a Monster. I hope you rot in hell,” She mumbled and walked away.

Cynical Plans (Discontinued, For Now) Where stories live. Discover now