11| if i was a bird, i know who i'd take a shit on

Start from the beginning

"Yeah move over and give me the controller." I take the controller from Landon's hand and sit between him and Chase.

- - -

Playing video games with the boys turned out to be unexpectedly hilarious and enjoyable. We shared laughs and cracked jokes about almost everything. They also hinted at the incident from the day I stumbled upon them in the basement, teasing that I'd eventually learn the whole story. This only fueled my curiosity further, making me eager to uncover their hidden secrets.

It's about 8pm right now and we all have been on the couch for hours.

"Nah what you said up there to Alyssa is the most funniest shit ever." Sam laughs loudly.

"I hate her, if I was a bird I know who I'd take a big fat shit on and Nolan doesn't even like her. She's was the girl he would go to when he wanted to fuck and then out of nowhere she started calling herself his girlfriend and he just hasn't said anything." Kai chimes in.

"Are you all related to Nolan or something?" I ask, I've been wanting to know if they're related since they all seem pretty close with each other. Especially Chase and Nolan.

"We've know each other for years and became close. We're all like brothers to each other, but Chase has known Nolan since they were kids." Sam answers my question making all my assumptions about their relationship with Nolan fade away.

"Well as much as I love staying in this big ass place with everything a person would want, when the hell are you lot going to let me out?"

"It's never up to anyone here baby girl, don't ask us, ask Nolan." Theo replies with his head leaning on my shoulder.

I roll my eyes, "Don't ever say that and get off me." I scoff as I shove his head off my shoulder making him laugh.

It seems like I've developed a goofy almost flirty friendship with Theo among all the boys, and surprisingly, it's not awkward. I'm comfortable around him, and he seems equally at ease with me. He just pisses me off really easily but then again so does everyone else.

"Does the Alyssa girl live here?" I want to know if she lives here because if she does then I would not last a single day without beating her ass now that we've met.

"Luckily she doesn't. Nolan doesn't let anyone stay over here and if he's holding someone captive then he'd keep them in the basement like usual but obviously with you he didn't do that. But yeah Alyssa doesn't live here, she comes over nearly everyday though," Miles answers my question as he gets up from the couch and yawns, "Yeah I'm fucking tired, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."

I'm filled with relief to know that Alyssa doesn't live here but it also doesn't change the fact that she comes over nearly every single day.

"I'm going to go for a shower and then go to sleep. I'll see you fucks tomorrow." I rise from my seat, stretching my arms overhead before heading off to my room. Surprisingly, I've grown closer to the boys during my stay here. Even though I was a bit skeptical, their company in this house isn't half bad.

Just before stepping into the shower, I quickly skim through the messages in the group chat I share with Alex, Max, and Paige. I hadn't been in touch with them all weekend, so I wanted to catch up on what I might have missed.

You: hey u lot i'm sorry for not being in contact with you guys all weekend i've been super busy with everything over at my mom's and i'll see you guys tomorrow morning.

alex<3: Omg I was so worried for where you had gone until I realised you're probably over at your mom's since it's the weekend anyways I hope everything's okay and I'll see your stupid ass tomorrow!!!!

I haven't told anyone about the news I had found yesterday, and I don't like getting empathy from people so I don't plan on telling anyone anything for at least now.

maxine<3: hey bae omg fucking finally is everything ok? you're always active on everything, what happened during the weekends?

You: yes everything's okay, i'm doing perfectly fine i promise.

maxine<3: alright good, i'm going to go to sleep now because i'm so tired and paige is not in town at the moment since she had some family emergency with her mom's side, i don't even know but the point is she won't be in tomorrow.

I may be a shitty liar in person but on text I have to say I am so good at lying. I better not ruin this tomorrow at school if either of them ask me anything related to my inactivity during the weekend.

I quickly reply to Max's text message and have a really long shower under the hot steaming water in order to stop thinking about everything.

There is quite a lot going on right now in my life like me having to stay under someone's roof because I have no choice otherwise there's a high chance I will die. To be frank though I don't understand how I'm still alive, all safe and sound especially after all the verbal I've given him.

Spending two hours in the shower—half of it under the water and the other half cleaning up—brings me an incredible sense of relaxation. I feel amazingly refreshed afterward, and it's become a routine I absolutely love.

I step out of the shower, wear a bath robe around my body as I grab a towel and wrap my hair in it.

One of my main focuses tend to be looking after my sensitive skin. I've adapted myself to a skin routine since I was 15 year old. But that's only because I had the most traumatising break out ever which made me not want to ever show my skin again.

I throw on my plain oversized white t shirt and wore my black shorts and just as I was about to lay in my bed finally able to fall asleep, some idiot decides to barge into my room without even knocking.

hey guys, i was going to make this chapter even longer than it is but i'm too lazy for that and i'm sorry about that anyway i don't really like this chapter that much i don't know i feel like there's a lot of errors in it and i haven't even edited it either BUT pls feel free to correct my mistakes and send me any feedback.

oh and i've been getting so many messages from people on my instagram and you guys are the best i don't care, so nice omg. i seriously love all of you and the feedback i receive makes me so happy i don't even know how to explain it but don't hesitate at all texting me on my insta which is in my wattpad bio

THANK YOU ALL SO FUCKING MUCH FORR ONE THOUSAND FOLLOWERS ON WATTPAD I LOVE YOUUU and I'm so thankful and happy, god you guys are the best i adore you all.

i also woke up to ten thousand followers on tiktok and i just couldn't believe it like omfg what the hell. thank you so much i've been getting so many nice comments about my story and i'm so happy you guys love it <3 seriously man thank you, thank you thank you thank youuu

another question coming uppppp

what's the saddest movie you have ever watched? the comments will definitely help people looking for sad movie recommendations :)

anyway see you guys in the next chapter, thank you and love you.

take care <3
- s

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