Strawberries & Cigarettes

Start from the beginning

I lift my legs to place my feet on the edge of the wooden chair and grab myself another two strawberries. I should save myself some for later too. "Then how would you describe this situation between us?". "I believe we might got off on the wrong foot." I respond with my eyes on a random spot on his desk. "Moreover you're my teacher and I really don't have to like you." I grin and look up again.

"You might be right on that one." Mr. Depp nods with a sigh. He rests his hands on the desk to push him up from the chair and walks over to the window on the left side of me. I don't really follow him until my ears perk up on a click that sounds just like a lighter. I turn my head to look at him and watch how he blows smoke of the cigarette he just inhaled out with his lips forming an o shape. With the window open he leans a little outside so the room won't smell like cigarettes later.

My gaze moves over to the strawberries again. I end up standing up from my chair as well. I grab the lunchbox and walk over to my teacher. Leaning against the wall beside the window I munch on another berry and watch him standing there. His left hand is shoved down into his pants pockets while the other holds the cigarette between his thumb and middle finger. His eyes roam the street in front of our school while some slight breezes wiggle his short hair around.

Getting myself together I throw the green of the strawberry out of the window before biting from another one. "Here." I look up to discover Mr. Depp holding the cigarette towards me. He keeps standing in the exact same place and only turns his head to look at me as I hesitate. "I won't tell anyone if you won't." He says.

Again I hesitate but end up grabbing the cig from him. "Deal." I say with a smirk and take a deep drag. Mr. Depp smiles back at me and takes the strawberry from my hand to bite off the rest. I frown at his action. He casually chews and looks back outside. Um okay. Did he really just- nevermind okay. I didn't exactly notice I might have been staring a little. "What?".

"Nothing I.. I think I'll get back to the papers." I say and pass him the cigarette again after taking a last drag from it. Then I walk back to my chair and go back to finishing the next tasks. Only this time I don't feel as concentrated as before. As Mr. Depp kept standing in front of the window and just gazing outside my eyes move over to watch him every once in a while. He's different. Even though he really seemed like a dick the first week he now seems like a teacher every student would want to have. Someone chill, not as strict and straight as most of the teachers are and someone with whom talking doesn't feel weird. And this surprises me because when he genuinely is like that I don't see the reason he would condemn me to two months detention. I'm confused how to feel about him but whatever. In the end he is just a teacher, right?

Again I didn't realize I was staring. But as soon as Mr. Depp seems to be done with looking outside because he turns around and intends to walk back to his chair as well, I quickly move my gaze over to the paper in front of me. Shaking my head for clearer thoughts I grab my pen again and beat myself to focus.

When midday arrived I had only one task left to do. I'm seeing da process. But that last one did require some help from Mr. Depp. I wasn't sure about the way to calculate and stuff but it happened to be not that bad too. It is now 1 pm and I'm done. What a relieving feeling.

"You're getting faster, Miss Jones." My teacher says when I pass him the papers. I grin widely and lean back in the chair to let him look through my work. "You staying for lunch?" He asks with his eyes stuck on the papers. He has a concentrated look on his face which makes him frown and narrowing his eyes a little. "I guess." I shrug, "what are we going for this time?".

"I don't care." Mr. Depp says. "It's your turn to pay, right?". I scoff at his words and lift my legs to sit crossed-legged. "Theoretically. But actually it is you. I'm the girl, you know.".

"Theoretically. But this isn't a date, is it.".


Time went by fast. After I ordered food and again was accompanied by Mr. Depp to pick it up in front of school, we went back to his office. I can't even say why I stayed at his instead of leaving. I could've meet up with Em and the boys to go get something to eat but instead I stayed. God knows why and somebody please kill me for being okay with it too.

He's literally so chill like what the hell I'm having my feet rest on the edge of his desk. "Piercings? Really?" Mr. Depp frowns when he heard of my plan to get my nose pierced. Not only my nose but I'm sure it wasn't necessary to mention that to my teacher. Shrugging my shoulders I rest the empty carton which earlier held my food in my lap and scratch the tip of my nose. "Yes, a nosering. But those in your nasal wings, on the side. Not those in the middle that make you look like a bull!".

"Oh yes, these are the worst. But.. Piercings?". I scoff and nod my head towards his hands "says the one with tattoos. Tiny ones I'll admit but those will never go away." I say.

"Those?" Mr. Depp asks and lowers his gaze to his hands he lifts to examine them. I nod my head yes and put my feet on the ground again to look at his hands too. "Sure but these are only the tiniest I have." He shrugs slightly and leans back in his chair. "There are more?" I laugh and raise my eyebrows at him. Well now I imagine a torso full of random tattoos like those on his fingers.

Mr. Depp shrugs and boldly goes "wanna see them?". I widen my eyes and can't get a word out until I realize that he is probably- must be kidding. "Sure sure." I joke and stand up to my feet, "but let's postpone that to next Sunday!". I laugh a little when I take my bag from beside the chair and hang it over my shoulder.

"Hm okay. See you tomorrow." Mr. Depp nicely smiles up to me with his legs still crossed and intertwined hands resting on his belly. Nodding my head I turn around to leave the room. I quickly pull the door shut behind my back and sigh deeply.
What a day.

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If u celebrate Easter
I wish you happy Easter

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