Ara: Demetri Volturi ... and yes he is a member of the volturi coven and yes he knows about Cam and I's abilities and no the kings don't know about us yet.

Jasper: Are you going to meet them? You need to be careful Arabella.

Ara: I will be meeting them, yes. But don't worry I am always careful!

Jasper: .... 

Jasper: Remember the tree?

Ara: That doesn't count. 

Ara: Oh btw I call Cams mate Tree!

Jasper: Ugh... interesting

Jasper: I need to go but promise me you'll call me when you have the opportunity

Ara: I promise, miss you brother

Jasper: Miss you too little sister

"Jazz says he's happy for you!" I explained out of the blue almost making Cam jump. "About what?" She asked me confusion evident on her face. "About you finding your mate!" I almost screamed. She shook her head a sheepish smile on her face. "Oh right." I looped my arm through hers. "Shall we go find some poor innocent animals?" I exclaimed in an overly cheerful voice. "Nooo, don't say it like that! I'll lose my appetite!" Cam complained. I laughed. "No you won't Camilla!" She narrowed her eyes at me but smiled all the same. "You're right but still!" 


"Is it bad that I don't really want to meet the volturi kings?" I asked Cam as we walked back towards the huge building that was the volturi castle. "No of course not, I don't particularly want to either." I sighed. "Its just all so weird, we spent out entire lives as vampires trying to avoid crossing paths with the volturi and now here we are meeting the kings willingly while you're mated to one of the guard." I explained gazing up at the intricate designs on the ceiling. "I know, to think if we hadn't of been so scared, everything could have been so different." Cam said and paused for a moment. "But I don't regret any of it." I smiled at my best friend. "Neither do I, truly we have had an amazing life." I explained smiling. "Yeah, for the most part we have had an amazing life." Cam threw her arm over my shoulder. "Here's to an even better future." I grinned. "To a spectacular future!" 

"Camilla!" A voice called from down the hall before a figure sped towards us, Cam stumbled slightly and a dreamy smile spread across her face. 'Cam... you look like you're lost in a dream. Oh! Oooh are you thinking of all the naughty things you and Tree will do?' I intruded into Cams mind to which she immediately looked at my with a horrified look. "Of course not!" She explained outraged. I simply smiled happy with her reaction before looking innocently at Demetri. "Hi Tree, we were just talking about you!" He rose an eyebrow, a smirk lighting up his face as he gazed at Cam. "Oh you were?" Camilla scoffed. "No we weren't" And Cam was back. Demetri smiled pulling her towards him. "Ah of course you weren't." If Cam was human she would be blushing pink right now. "Well, I wasn't. Arabella was." She explained leaning into his hold, I can't even tell if she knew what she was doing. Demetri's eyes drifted to mine. "All good things Arabella?" He asked and a smirk spread across my face. "Very very good things, right Camilla?" I asked my best friend in a sly voice. 

'I will kill you if you don't shut up!' She screeched into my mind. Demetri hummed, "What kind of good things Camilla?" He asked her with a cheeky smile, she merely looked away towards the doors that led to the throne room. "Shouldn't we go in now?" Demetri gave me a knowing smile before looking back at Cam. "Yes we should. Shall we?" He held out an arm to her and she grasped it before they began walking towards the doors leaving me behind them like a third wheel. I want attention!

I collapsed to the floor, before calling out. "Treeeeeee!" I heard them stop before he sighed in furstration. "Why are you on the floor Arabella?" I didn't get to respond as Cam did for me. "She wants you to drag her." I lifted my head up to look at them and I saw Demetri giving Cam a bewildered look. "What?!" She smiled warmly at him before leaning closer and whispering. "The fact she's asking you, means she likes you." That made Demetri stand up straighter in pride. "That's good right?" He whispered back and she nodded. "Kiss" I yelled, they were so close to each other. Immediately they jumped apart. Demetri scowled at me and Cam held her hands to her face as if hiding the blush that wasn't there while she glared at me in embarrassment. Still holding Camilla's hand he moved forward grabbing me by the leg and dragging me across the floor through the doors into the throne room. I started laughing as I didn't actually expected him to do it! "Thanks for the lift Tree!" I told him once we stopped moving before I jumped up off the ground and standing closely beside Cam, the Volturi Kings sitting before us on three large thrones. Ha I wonder where Felix is.

'Ok... so maybe not the best first impression' 'Possibly not, don't worry at least they will remember it?' 'I'm embarrassed, I was acting like a child' 'Ara you always act like a child' 'Ok well I was acting more childish than usual' 'Want to do the thing?' ' Really? The thing?' 'Yes, we'll both be childish and do the thing and we'll both share the attention and embarrassment.' 'Are you sure you want to do THE THING in front of  you mate?' 'Yeah, he'd probably see it eventually.' 'Ok, are you going to die first or am I?' 'I'll die first' 

Cam gasped dramatically holding a hand to her chest slowly sinking to her knees. "Ah! My heart! It breaks into pieces, so small, so painful!" She cried Demetri tried to rush towards her, frightened for his mate but I shoved him away dramatically flinging myself towards her pretending to cry "Nooooo! You heart shall not break! You have a child, so young and frail to care for and a husband to love! You will not die!" I screamed in fake anguish. "It is to late George my lord, my sweet sister! My heart, it shatters further. I cannot last much longer!" She yelled gazing up at the ceiling reaching a hand upwards. "Pigeons above, take care of my child Duck the duck and my husband Fred the mouse!" She fell back to the floor and I screamed. "Cordelia! Nooooo!" Her eyes shut, dead. I scrambled around my pockets reaching for a pretend knife. "I cannot live without you! Pigeons above, forgive me for my sins!" I stabbed myself before collapsing to the ground as well. 




We both gasped dramatically as if taking our first breath. "And end scene." Camilla explained as we both stood up again. The room was silent before off rhythm clapping sounded along with a creepy giggle. "What a strange yet spectacular performance." The king who sat on the middle throne explained. We bowed dramatically. "Why thank you kind sir." We spoke and bowed in sink. I took a side glance at Demetri who was staring at us with his mouth hanging open. "Tree! Close you mouth" I whispered loudly with a laugh as if no one could hear me.

 "Do explain what I just experienced." The king on the right with blonde hair requested. "You just experienced... The Thing" I told him with jazz hands before letting Cam finish. "A great performance choreographed by our old friends Cordelia and George!" The king merely blinked astonished. 

Before another word could be uttered the doors to the throne room opened and two sets of footsteps could be heard, I turned around along with Camilla and Demetri and my mouth fell open in complete and utter shock. 

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" 

I have no idea what I just wrote .... 

What do you think Arabella is so shocked about??!

Arabella Whitlock  - Jaspers Sister (new version)Where stories live. Discover now