1 : The first meet

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Dream, aspirations, goals, aims...we all have these from childhood right?

Few people want to become engineers, building those powerful concrete structures which loom over us with an authority while few people want to become politicians, either with their cunning intelligence or their virtuous quality and slither their way to the commanding top.

Few people want to become brave soldiers, ready to give up their life anytime their country calls for them while few people want to become those skillful artists who entertain people with their immaculate talent.

There are many more careers, occupations and professions which people can choose to achieve but do you know what is the most respected and important one?

If you ask any Asian parent of what they want their kids to become, you should know the first word that stumbles out of their lips is the answer for the above question.

Kim taehyung is the only son of Kim jongmin and Kim saeyoung. Mr Jongmin being commissioner general while Mrs saeyong is a florist. Taehyung didn't have his blood line driven from hospital money as he was the first one in his family who took up this path. He didn't know why but everytime he sees a doctor on television or in real life, something blooms inside of his chest. Something akin to passion and respect.

Today is just another day of his oh so fabulous life of being an intern at the Seoul National University Hospital.

As soon as he entered through the threshold of the hospital through the big glass automatic doors, the intense antiseptic smell was the first one to greet him like always along with the metallic tang of stainless steel, though he noticed that the metallic stench was more this time when compared to other days.

He took few steps into the building and soon noticed that the screeching sounds of stretcher tires holding up injured patients was more and the unignorable wails of the family members here for the injured people made him slow down on his steps and take in how many ambulances were arriving one after the others outside the hospital, holding those heavily wounded people. He increased his pace and walked straight to the reception while his heart rate started to pick up.

He reached the desk and the pink haired girl sitting there lifted her head and smiled at taehyung.

"Good morning tae!"

"Morning noona, but what happened over there?" He asked jutting his chin towards the chaos outside with ambulance sirens, nurses helping the injured patients into stretchers, other sobbing harmed people while doctors ran towards them to check for any critical injuries while their assistants were preparing operation theater for the maimed ones.

Taehyung was trying to act as calm as possible but he was really freaking out inside. Being in this atmosphere for the past one year should've got him adapted to such scenarios but they didn't. Even till this day he gets cold shivers and his heart clenched painfully in his chest when he ends up loosing his patient. The hurt and guilt followed him for days even though he wasn't the one who operated on the patient and on contrary just assisted the main doctor for being only an intern.

" ohh....didn't you catch up on the news?"

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at her hesitant demeanor and just shaked his head.

"A fight broke out in the middle of the gangnam highway"

Looking at the confused teahyung, she heaved a sigh before continuing.

"Fight between the Jeons and the Parks"

Taehyung instantly stiffened in his place. He knows them. Of course he knows them. The person would just be the stupidest moron walking in south korea who wouldn't know about the jeons, Parks and the rivalry between them.

When he first stepped into seoul after completing his college in daegu, the foremost thing that greeted him were the bullets that were being fired in the opposite side of the railway station from where his train stopped. He got the perfect front row seat experience of fight and the next thing he knew, he was running out of the station like his life depended on it, well it did.

Later he came to know that the fight was between Parks and jeons, two most feared crime syndicate organisations of South korea. That was the day when he realized that such mafia king's existed out of the story books he read.

You can't really blame him for living in the dark about this whole guns and gang fights. He was just a normal college student studying his ass off in his med school to get into a good hospital for his internship and residency. His life surrounded around the campus grounds and laboratories while his guilty pleasure was cup ramyeon stacked up in the high shelf of his dorm room.

He slept while doing his assignments and woke up to preparing his practicals. He was busy studying for his next exam while his high school friends were busy partying at the clubs. He knew what it would take to become a doctor and taehyung didn't hesitate for a second before giving up his teen age and his early twenties for the betterment of his future. Now looking back at where he is and the height he reached, he wouldn't change it for anything. He was proud of his past self and didn't regret a thing.

He snapped back from his thoughts at solar's voice.

"Wasn't exactly a fight but more like a chase. I don't know who was chasing whom out of the two gangs but it looked like the chaser completely disregarded the existence of other people on the highway and so their cars kept dashing into the normal citizens one's making them topple over and injure the people inside of them. As if that wasn't enough, those assholes also kept firing bullets and few went straight to the tires bursting them and hence the drivers lost complete control over their vehicles and drove them right into the walkers on the footpath. 5 people are heavily injured while other patients are just slightly wounded but will get better in few months according to hwasa"

Hwasa was an assiatant doctor in the third year of her residency. She and solar are quite close friends so taehyung assumed that hwasa kept solar updated about the patients.

Taehyung nodded, relieved that not many people were majorly hurt.

"I knew about them but doing that in broad day light that too in a populated place?"

"Well they don't do these things in front of public usually since you know, no matter how big they are, they have to give a statement to the police"

Taehyung knew about it. His own dad was  working day and night to get any physical evidence against these crime lords but as soon as he thinks he got his hand on them, they just vanish into thin air. Either it be  video and voice recordings or a witness in flesh and blood, they just disappear.

"But I think I know why there was a sudden uproar this morning" solar said with a small smirk, almost feeling proud.

She signalled him to lean closer.

Taehyung frowned at that but nonetheless followed.

"Don't ask me how I know, just believe in the power of gossip" She started and instantly looked around before lowering her voice and whispered those syllables so delicately as if afraid of being heard by a third person

" I've got news that the heir of Khhangpa empire and the only son of Jeon jaehyun was coming to seoul this morning".

Soooooo!! How was it? Please share your views and thoughts on this❤

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