First date

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When Lexy got home she could barely think, she wondered what he would do when he found out that her family was poor. When Saturday finally came she wore a loose blue dress with white flowers, her mom put Lexy's hair in a gorgeous bun then put daisies all around it. KNOCK KNOCK, someone was at the door. Lexy's father opened the door and made it clear to David that if he hurt Lexy he would find him.David brought Lexy to the best restaurant in town it called "La maison de bruit" That was the first time Lexy had gone to a restaurant, she was astonished. She couldn't thank David enough, they came closer and closer to each other and **kiss**
Lexy couldn't stop blushing that was the first boy she kissed. They were really happy, until the next day at school when Lexy saw a video of her and David kissing, she was running to the bathroom as she bumped into David, Lexy looked at him as if he had something to do with it, she continued to run to the bathroom and hid in the stall for the rest of the school day. When the bell rang Lexy unlocked the stall and started running home. David stopped talking to Lexy.

Sorry guys I know the chapters are short:/

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