The Secret Room and William Minerva

Start from the beginning

"A bookplate," Emma answered.

"A label that indicates the book's owner before it came here."

All bookplates have morse code writing surrounding the owl disguise as a design. After a while of decrypting, Norman found out that each mark warns people about the farm.

"Danger. Truth. But with just this..."

Emma brought more books to examine while you, Norman, and Ray searched for more clues and hidden symbols.

Norman read aloud, "Harvest. Monster. Farm."

"Well, this confirms that however wrote this is trying to warn us about our situation." Ray added, "At least, we can trust that."

"Trust that?" Norman repeated.

"Oh! Oh! I think we should trust Mister. Minerva, he seems like a nice and trustworthy person." You declare with your usual happy tone.

Ray sighed before bonking your head, "Again, you trust too much and assume what you believe the first time you encounter something, I swear you never learn your lesson."

"But, why would he warn us if he wasn't nice?"

"This man named Minerva could be an ally to us but we don't know if he's dead or alive, so we shouldn't get our hopes up."

"Aww! Why are you always negative?! Be happy!"

Despite Ray's speculation, Norman and Emma are still happy that a person from the outside is trying to help to make their hopes rise. 

Continuing the investigation, all three of you found out that only "messages" can only be seen in Minerva's books.

You didn't like reading and don't like getting your hands on a book so, you mostly skip part of it before giving up and letting them do all the work. Plus, your brain shuts down when it comes to puzzles unless it's your regular exams.

'Huhu! Reading is so boring! Everything sucks!' You whined in your head and lied your head on the table while watching your best friend's work.

'How boring... I wanna cuddle.' You sighed, looking towards Norman who's focused on analyzing the books with Emma, your gaze moves to Ray who's also focused on his research. You stared at him for a moment before scooting over. 

You sit beside him and wrapped your arms around his, leaning your head on his shoulder. 'This is making me sleepy...' With a yawn, your lids became heavy.

Ray noticed your drowsy state, "(Y/N), you can go to bed. We're gonna stay up for a while."

", I wanna be with you...guys." You whisper as you drifted to sleep.

"Says the one who fell asleep first." He murmurs, gently moving strands of your hair away from your face before continuing on his research.






"Yeah. He was reading a children's book and it was one of Mr. Minerva's."


It wasn't Emma or Norman's voices who woke you up, it's your little siblings who are playing in the hallway.

'Huh? What happened? What?' You slowly lift your head to look around with a slight drool at the side of your mouth.

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