They sat on a comfortable velvet couch, when the shop owner appeared from the back.

"Afternoon, ladies," she said. They shook hands, and she sat on a sofa across from them. "So, what would make this experience most comfortable for you, Ulla?"

Ulla hid behind her cup. Not going through this experience would make it most pleasant, she thought.

"Ah, I see. Let me guess, pressure from the parents or other family members?" the shop owner asked.

"She's marrying a vicar," Viola said, and Martha gave Ulla an almost sympathetic look.

"And I can tell you aren't the ruching, lace train, floor length veil kind of a person," the shop owner said with a small shake of her head.

"Probably not," Ulla groaned. "Given, I don't have the foggiest what 'ruching' is." She took another gulp of the surprisingly good coffee. "I used to be in a punk band."

"Oh," said Martha.

"But I don't want a red or black dress! Or a leather jacket on top!" Ulla rushed to add. "I am marrying a vicar. In a small village church. So, I want to fit the part! And I love, love, love our church, and our village, and everything about it! And also, Oliver's bisexual and liberal and as wonderful as a man can be! I just– I really, really do want to marry him! And there's no pressure - but I also can't even imagine what I would be comfortable to wear!"

"Oh dear," Martha said and smiled at Ulla comfortingly. "How about we just have a look at a few pictures, not too many, to keep you from a complete mental breakdown, but also just to see if something doesn't make you cringe right away, shall we?"

"Let's," Ulla exhaled.

Martha nodded and rose.

"I'll grab a few magazines from the back, and I'll be right back," she said and beckoned the girl from behind the coffee bar. "I think we're going to need more coffee, Willow."

"And another scone, please," Viola said, taking a mannerly sip of her Earl Grey.

No coffee. No champagne. A scone. And she's so beautiful, and fresh, and sensual, and... radiant right now that looking at her, Ulla is squirming and drooling a bit. What does it tell us?

"Oh my god!" Ulla hollered and stared at her future sister-in-law. "Are you pregnant?! You are, aren't you?! Viola?!"

Viola met Ulla's shocked stare calmly - and then nodded.

"Holy fuck!" Ulla shouted and cheered so loudly that the shop assistant dropped a spoon behind the bar. "Viola!"

"Ulla, we're here to try to find you a wedding dress," Viola pointed out. "You're getting married soon. You're the most important thing right now. Let's focus on–"

"Like hell we will!" Ulla flailed her hands in the air. "A baby, Viola! How cool is that? How long have you known?!"

"Two days," Viola answered just as collectedly as always. "We aren't telling anyone yet. Not until it's impossible to hide. Or someone guesses," she said and gave Ulla a small affectionate smile. "But we don't want to steal your thunder right now. Your and Oliver's wedding is the main event of this Autumn."

"Oh I just realised," Ulla said and burst into a series of snorts. "You two didn't even manage to wait till the Harvest Festival. You'll have an early Holyoake baby. Everyone will be discussing how you two are the most randy of all Holyoakes."

Viola threw Ulla a fake reproachful look, and then gave out her silver laugh.

"You're incorrigible," Viola said. "And may I remind you, we are not the Holyoakes who got caught in a compromising position in the attic of Nana's cottage."

Between Heaven and Rock (The Swallow Barn Cottage Series, Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now