Here for Oliver Holyoake

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K. xx

P.S. Brace yourselves for the ka-boom!


Ulla lifted her eyes from the book she was reading - the latest by Barnett, she'd bought at the reading - and glanced at her phone. He was supposed to come out or text her about forty minutes ago. Knowing him she assumed he'd have texted her as soon as he came to. She almost expected a gibberish filled text, to be honest. Something mushy and Oli-like. She checked the phone again, but there was nothing. She tried focusing on her book again, but realised she'd been staring at the same page without reading a word - and she closed it. The surgery department had a small shop, she remembered. She might as well get some coffee while she waited. She threw the book into the glove box, grabbed her handbag, climbed out of the car, and headed inside, hopping over puddles of sludge on the ground.

She almost headed to the shop, but something made her stop by the receptionist desk.

"Hiya, I'm here to pick up Oliver Holyoake," she said. "He was supposed to be out about half an hour ago."

There was a nurse standing behind the receptionist, filing some papers in the pigeon holes on the wall, and the two women exchanged looks.

"He was in for an internal fixation, wasn't he?" the nurse asked Ulla.

"Yeah." Let's not pretend you don't know whom I'm talking about, Ulla thought in amusement. "A large bloke, a silver streak in his hair," she said with a laugh. Fit AF, she added in her mind. Inhumanly attractive. C'mon, no way anyone can forget him.

The women in front of Ulla once again exchanged looks.

"There have been... complications during his surgery," the nurse said softly. "He's not going home just yet. Are you family?"

"What sort of complications?" Ulla asked sharply. Wait– what's happening? "Listen, can you stop looking at each other, and answer my question, please? What sort of complications?"

"Are you a family member?" the nurse asked again.

Oh no. What is this tone?!

"No, but I'm– Is he alright?" Ulla asked.

"Miss, if you aren't a family member, we can't disclose any information to you," the receptionist said and gave Ulla a sympathetic look. Sympathetic. As in... expressing sympathy?!

"Can you at least tell me if he's alright?" Don't raise your voice at them, Ulla. They will shut off and tell you nothing. "Listen, I know I'm not his family, but I'm... his girlfriend," she stumbled over the term. "Can you tell me anything?!"

"His family has already been contacted," the receptionist answered in a bland tone. "You can wait for them here."

What is this strange feeling? Why does it hurt to breathe?

"Is he alright?!" Why– Why can't she breathe– in? "Just tell me he's alright."

"He's out of immediate danger for now," the nurse said softly.

Oh god.

"Miss, you'll have to wait till his family arrives, so you can ask them, if–" the receptionist started.

Family! He has family!


Ulla jerkily unzipped her bag, and started rummaging in it searching for her phone - and then she dropped on her knees and opened the bag on the floor. She finally found it, and - damn her shaking hands! - tried to swipe the security pattern again and again, gritting her teeth. Her fingers finally listened, and she raised it to her ear.

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