Chapter One; Page Four

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Ch.1, Pg.4

Eugene was amazed- but extremely confused. Looking up at the clear sky, where the gigantic ball of electricity originally was which was now replaced with nothing but open air. He had his jaw hanging open, bewildered by what he just witnessed.

The snake- which was now peacefully slithering around in the grass like nothing happened -disappeared into the electric magenta chaos and literally inhaled it from the inside.

Inhaled. It.

And Gray was over by the snake’s side, petting it like it didn't just inhale an insane amount of mana. Eugene couldn’t believe what just happened, so he just sat there butt in the soil, with his face twisted into an emotion that was somewhere in between shocked, intrigued, and horrified.

Such a small snake munched on his mana like it was a biscuit.

“I believe that should be enough for today” Gray stated, finally recollecting her tiny monster, scooping it up back into the white satchel. “If we do anymore, you might faint, you just wasted an enormous amount of your limited mana on Lorem Ipsum.”

Wow, way to put it. Eugene thought, taken aback by how blunt her words were. But looking closely at her face, it could almost go unnoticed if Eugene wasn’t staring so intently at her; Gray looked a tiny bit disappointed.

Perhaps she was disappointed that she couldn’t teach him more? Or maybe, she was disappointed that he had such low mana? Nevertheless, seeing her tiny little pout made Eugene’s heart beat faster and his cheeks to go flaming red. So red that Gray actually caught onto it, and questioned him about it.

“Your face is burning up,” Gray stated before approaching him and gently laying her hand onto his forehead to feel for his temperature. Which, of course, only worked to make Eugene’s face even warmer, making Gray crinkle her eyebrows in worry. 

“Perhaps we should go inside to rest. It seems that the rapid loss of mana is affecting your body temperature. Also, you have to sleep early so your mana is fully replenished by tomorrow.”

She assured him, helping him stand up from his position on the grass, and attempting to brush the crushed grass and dirt off his butt, causing Eugene to yelp and jump away from her touch.

So then, the two pre-teens made their way back to the estate, their clothes smudged with dirt and slightly crispy from all that electric action from earlier.

On their way back, Eugene got the opportunity to learn more about Gray as a person, despite the fact that he did the most talking.

He was somehow able to coax her into answering certain miscellaneous questions that didn’t actually reveal much. But he was able to gather a little bit of important information on her.

So far he’s learned that, as it turns out, Gray actually comes from Byuksan city, a place most famously known for its elite education system and its population filled with mostly full-blood Majins such as herself. Eugene also learned that she’s the youngest A grade Majin to be enrolled into the central magic university.

How undeniably impressive.

‘No wonder,’ Eugene was wondering why she was so young. Since, when he thinks of a ‘magic instructor’ Eugene pictures the stereotypical senior, grey-bearded wizard- as opposed to Gray, who was a young, beautiful majin. It seemed like she knew her stuff though, to be a pre-teen and to be able to enter a prestigious university, Eugene thought that Gray probably had an impressive IQ as well.

And well, For the miscellaneous information, Eugene learned about Gray’s little monste- snake friend. Apparently, it’s name was Stephen.

An odd name to call a snake, really.

He was thrown off when he first heard Gray say its name with such love and admiration- and at first he thought it was a joke, but when he saw Gray look genuinely hurt by his laughing he decided to just shut up.

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