Chapter 18 - The reason

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Rose's POV

I hobbled along the castle towards where the hospital wing would be, still full of rage. Right as I turned a corner, I saw a set of black robes hurry towards me. It was Severus.

"Rose, what happened?" He questioned, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Quidditch practice." I muttered. My face must have still been extremely red from all the anger I was feeling right now.

"Let me escort you to the hospital wing." Severus put an arm around my shoulder for support as I clutched my side.

Madam Pomfrey was luckily able to heal my severely bruised rib cage quickly. "Nasty ones, those Bludgers are." She gave me a weak smile after pulling my shirt back down.

"A bludger hit you? But I thought you were only trying out the seekers today." Severus glanced over at me.

I hopped out of the bed. "Yeah, but Draco decided to set me up for failure and had his friends hit me with bludgers while Flint wasn't looking."

Severus looked furious. "He did what?!" Pacing back and forth, Severus looked more angry than I had ever seen him which is saying a lot considering I had potions together with the Gryffindors and Harry Potter. "Oh when I get him he will be in real trouble." He growled.

"Please don't do anything, I'll talk to Draco." I tried calming Severus, but to no avail.

"Professor Snape I advise you listen to your daughter, if you in any shape or form harm a student you will be in deep trouble and most likely fired." Madam Pomfrey warned. How did she know Snape was my dad, though? I guess the news must have somehow spread amongst the staff at Hogwarts.

Severus still looked like he was about to explode. He stared at Madam Pomfrey angrily, until I gently tugged at the side of his robes to get his attention. I didn't feel like yelling right now, so I thought this was the best was to get him to look at me.

He moved his head to the side, looking down at me. His anger faded a bit, he looked more worried at this second. Somehow it looked as though he was fighting the urge to hug me, but surely that wouldn't be the case, right?

"I'll give Draco a piece of my mind in the common room later today, without getting physical." I said calmly. Of course I was still angry at what Draco did, but I didn't want Severus to see me upset because then he might actually beat Draco.

"Now that sounds like a good plan, you can go off to your dormitory to get some rest now." Madam Pomfrey seemed content with my proposal, so she asked Severus and I to leave.

"Are you positive you don't want me to talk to him?" Severus broke the silence as we were walking down to the dungeons.

"Yes, but thank you for offering." I smiled up at him and the sides of his lips twitched into a small smile as well.

— Time Skip —

"You! Draco." I growled the second I caught sight of the blonde boy who was receiving praise for making the team in the common room.

At first he was still laughing, but when I forcefully pushed him against a wall his face turned into a panicked expression. The other Slytherins in the room left, realising this was none of their business.

"You could have killed me, how dare you make Goyle send those Bludgers to hit me." I was so angry again I felt as though I could explode.

"I-I didn't mean for them to hit you...I told Goyle to make them hit your you would take longer than me to get the snitch." Draco stuttered, his eyes now squeezed shut.

"Well I had to go to the hospital wing because one almost broke my ribs!"

"But you are fine now, right?" I saw Draco peeking at me out of one eye.

"That does not excuse your behaviour!" I retorted. "You still sabotaged me."

I was growing more furious by the second, when suddenly I felt some dark presence overtake me. Draco's eyes were fully shut again, but now his face that was previously illuminated by a lantern was covered by a dark shadow. One I recognised all too well.

I had to think quick on my feet here, I didn't want Draco to see this beast that was most definitely emerging from my back right this second. I took a few deep breaths, now also closing my eyes. 'Everything is fine, you don't need to be angry. You can figure this out' I told myself in my mind.

"Draco, why did you sabotage me?" I was surprised by the calmness of my voice, and so was Draco because now he fully opened his eyes again and slid away from my arms that were pinning him against the stone wall. I knew the beast was gone again, the shadow had vanished.

"I had to do it..." Draco sighed, slumping onto a leather couch next to the fire. He started to fiddle with a Slytherin scarf someone must have left there, but I snatched it away from him.


"If I didn't make the team, Father would be so angry with me. He told me himself in a letter. I knew I couldn't beat you unless...well unless I did something to make you not perform as well as usually." Draco actually looked really guilty now.

"I have an idea Draco, how about we share the position? You can even mark me down as a reserve, but I would like to play equally as many games as you. Tell your dad you made the team as the main seeker, he doesn't have to know I will be playing every second game or so. And if he ever comes to watch a game, of course you can be the seeker there." Draco looked more than content with this idea.

"That would be fine for you?" He looked at me with a large grin.

"Yes, but you have to tell Marcus this plan alright? Don't need to mention the sabotage or anything, just say I was having an off day and you would like us to share the position as seeker." 

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