Athena maintains eye contact with Wanda as she leans forward slightly and sniffs the cereal.

"No, it seems fine."

Wanda nods her head before eating a spoonful and heading into the living room. Concerned, Athena follows her, watching as she takes a seat between Billy and Tommy, who had been playing video games.

"Has anyone seen Vision?" Wanda asks, looking at the three of them.

"No," Billy answers, "Do you want to go look for him?"

"Well, if he doesn't want to be here, there's nothing I can do about it," she says before grabbing the remote and turning off their game.

"Hey mom, last night, Uncle P said that thing about rekilling Dad?" Billy brings up and Wanda points the remote rather aggressively at him.

"Don't believe anything that man said. He is not your uncle."

"Who is he?" Tommy asks, fear on his face.

Athena looks over at Wanda to see that she doesn't have an answer. She puts the remote down along with her bowl of cereal, "Here's the thing boys. I'm your mom and as such, you were counting on me to have all the answers, right?"

The twins nod their heads.

"Well, I don't! I have no answers. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Niente. I'm starting to believe that everything is meaningless. I mean you're welcome to draw your own conclusions," she points at Athena, "Your mom here studies human behavior, so maybe she can tell us something?"

The boys look at Athena and she lets out a laugh, "Ignore everything your mother just told you, okay? She's just having a really bad day."

"Do you know who Uncle P was?" Tommy asks her.

"No," Athena answers, "I just know that he wasn't your real uncle."

"Then where is our real uncle?" Billy asks.

"A really good question," Athena tells him, "That will have a really good answer someday, just not today."

There's a knock at the front door and Wanda uses her magic to open it. Athena looks up just as Agnes walks into the house a wide smile on her face.

"Hey Agnes, I would get up, but I just don't want to," Wanda says with a laugh. She watches as a look of concern crosses Agnes's face, but Athena couldn't blame her, she didn't get what was wrong with Wanda either.

"Hey, boys, why don't we give your moms some me-time?" Agnes suggests.

Wanda gasps, "Agnes, are you sure?"

"Absolutely!" Agnes exclaims, "Come on guys!"

"Do we have to?" Tommy asks with a frown.

"Yeah, do we have to?" Billy asks.

"You guys are gonna have a lot of fun," Wanda tells them.

Agnes hugs the boys into her side, "I promise I won't bite."

Athena watches as Agnes ushers the boys out of the house and Wanda leans over the back of the couch, "Agnes, you're a lifesaver. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Agnes starts to lift up her shirt, "I think I have this suspicious mole on my back-"

"Yeah, I think you should see a doctor about that," Athena says as she stands and tugs Agnes's shirt down. She smiles at Athena.

"Boundaries. Right. You two relax, enjoy yourselves. I promise the boys are safe."

Athena closes the door and looks back at Wanda, "Are you sure you're okay?"

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