"You don't have to pity me Ju. I don't need it. I'm just saying Luke is one lucky bastard." He chuckled and I couldn't help but smile. We sat in silence for about two minutes, until curiosity got to me.

"Cal what did you mean by "last time I fell for Luke's girl?""

Cal gulped nervously.


He couldn't find the right words.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

"No I do, but I-I'm nervous."


"Don't leave me after. Don't ignore me, don't judge me please I can't help my feelings."

"I know you can't. I won't do any of those things Cal." I squeeze his hand to reassure him.

"Well....um you know Tori?"

I gulped.


"Well me and her were together before her and Luke. I broke up with her though, because she had this bad reputation. Anyways Luke got with her and at first I resented her, hated her. But I dunno after spending time with her again, I fell in love with her. Luke found out, and he flipped. He didn't talk to me for I dunno...a month? It was bad, but I explained everything to him after we did start talking. I told him I couldn't help it, and that she had this bad reputation and I dunno. He was shaky at first but he eventually got over it, Luke always does. And everything came back to place when Tori cheated on him. I told him she was bad and no good, I told him to stay away but I he wouldn't listen. When she cheated on him, he came to me, first. And I helped him, I did. Of course I did Luke's my best friend. He turned to shit though after she left him. He drank a lot, slept around a lot. But after a while, he turned out being okay again, then I saw you at the concert. And everything changed he looked at you the way he first looked at Tori. With lust. When he says he's in love with you Julia, he is. You better believe it. Because everyday he looks at you the same way he did the first time he saw you. He loves you, and I know you love him. So I can't get in the way of that."

"Cal please, your my best friend. I love you."

He smiled at me.

"I'm always gonna be here for you Cal. I'm not going anywhere." I flinched at my own words, because just a few weeks ago, I had cancer.

"I'm here for you too Ju."

"Man your so good. You need a girlfriend, you need a girlfriend so bad."

He chuckled.

"I know."

He got up, and hugged me. I hugged him even tighter. Our moment was ruined by my phone ringing. It was Luke.

L: Ju? Where are you? Please tell me you didn't leave? Here me out okay-
J: I went out for a walk with Calum. Im coming back don't worry.
L: Oh good okay. Sorry. Okay see you soon.
J: See ya.
L: Julia?
J: Yeah?
L: I love you.
J: I love you too Luke.

"We should get going, yeah?" Cal said


(skipping the walk home bc boring)

I walked in to mine and Luke's shared hotel room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, deep in thought. His head popped up to look at me. He got up and came to hug me.

"Hey." He whispered in my ear, as he hugged me.


"Look Julia-"

"I heard you last night, and I believe you but I dunno Luke. You keep making mistakes and I dunno if you even love me anymore and I can't stand the thought of you not loving me anymore so-"

He cupped my face.

"Julia, I love you more and more everyday. I don't think you actually realize how much I love you. I've never felt this way about anyone before, you gotta believe me baby. Please. Lately I've just been sad, and upset because you were...sick and I dunno. There was a possibility of you...ya know. And I didn't want you to break my heart if that was the case. I don't know, I'm probably being really selfish but I love you, and your mine. Okay?"

I smiled at him.

"I love you. I don't even know what to say."

"Don't say anything Juls, just kiss me."

So I kissed him.

AN: hey guys :-)

updated early bc why not ?? and bc i updated late last time. i love you guys so much !! i hope you enjoy this


but ayy comment ?? pls :) x

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