Chapter 10 - 𝑲𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒂, 𝑰'𝒎 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒅

Start from the beginning

That's all.

All of these other unnecessary things had never been required of her.

Akabane was bringing a new range of confusion into her life. Was this all an elaborate attempt to force her into becoming better? Into becoming someone he deemed worthy enough to oppose him?

Or was the man simply just bullshitting her and doing everything for shits, giggles and the sake of it?

[Y/n] didn't know what the fuck she was feeling.

Why didn't he have the decency to stop? He just...kept going. He looked at her. Dead in the eyes. He called her fucking name. She knew he was sick but not to that extent.

Dark had fallen and she still couldn't get her mind off of it. She hadn't seen the man since.

It was engraved in her mind. Every-time she closed her eyes all she could see was Karma...hand-fucking himself.

[Y/n] started to feel that tingly shivering feeling once more and rubbed her hands up and down her thighs.

No, it wasn't because of the reasons you might think. She was simply cold. The woman had been freezing for the past three hours and was far too uncomfortable to go peering around for a blanket. She'd even layered up but to no avail.

The cold was quite frankly unbearable. She wasn't sure how the temperature had dropped so drastically. This was absolute torture.

[Y/n] refused to let pride kill her. If she wanted a blanket then she'd simply have to go get one. What would Karma do about it? Surely not kill her? In fact, he would probably do anything but that.

Pushing her pride to the side [Y/n] got up and made her way to his room. She vividly remembered the whereabouts so she was there in no time.

It was quiet inside, and the door was closed. [Y/n] had learned her lesson from the previous incident this morning. She felt the need to knock. But yet again why should Akabane deserve the privileges of respect or privacy?

She opened the door and invited herself inside. If he was doing something he shouldn't be doing then it wouldn't matter. She's seen all he has to offer.

The room was dark so she began searching around for a light switch. [Y/n] flicked the light on and she saw movement from the bed.

The sheets were a darker colour than she remembered, he must've changed them.

Akabane had pulled the covers over his face to shield his eyes from the light. "Can I help you?" He was annoyed and tired.

"It's fucking freezing," the woman complained.

"So you came to beg to get in bed with me?" He finished her sentence for her with even more annoyance. Akabane was well aware of the change in temperature. "I'm flattered but I'll pass."

"Where do you keep the blankets?" Once she got one she'd be out of his hair.

"Up my ass." He dismissed her.

"Stop being an asshole and tell me," she wasn't going to let him run over her. "I can't hold out any longer." The cold was making her extremely uncomfortable.

"What the hell does that have to do with me again?" He mumbled from beneath the comfort of his own covers.

"You're the owner of this aircraft. It has everything to do with you," She'd make him interested.

Akabane was really starting to regret bringing [Y/n] with him. With a groan of the utmost annoyance he removed the covers from his face and sat upright. "Well shit." The blankets were right there so she could've just taken one and leave, no need to wake him up.

Karma was well-rested so he got up out of his bed. It was then that he got a good look at the woman. She had changed into her pajamas. He broke into a fit of laughter. "Jesus Christ, [Y/n]." Her clothes always gave him a good laugh. "You look" It was an insult.

She paid him no mind and made her way over to his bed. Since he wouldn't give her any blankets she'd take his instead. His blankets were big and fluffy. They also smelled of detergent so that must've meant they were clean.

"Make yourself comfortable." He didn't care. "Hope you and my kids get along nicely." He joked and [Y/n] put the blankets right back where she got them from.

"I should've snuck in and killed you while you were sleeping," She began to regret her approach.

"You're saying that to me like I was the one that stopped you." Could've, should've, didn't. "But if it makes you feel better I left the door unlocked for you to."

Akabane watched as the sharp-mouthed girl opened her mouth to rebuttal but close it afterwards with nothing to say in response.

"That's a first," The man was quite amused. She always had something to say to him in response. "Welp, I'm hungry. Let's go." The man left the room. Whether or not the woman followed was completely up to her.

She did.

"You're awfully obedient all the sudden." He was sensing a pattern here. "I'll tell you what..." he grinned ever so slightly, "After we're done eating, I'll get you all warmed up. Deal?"

Something about the way he said it didn't really sit right with her.

Something about the way he said it didn't really sit right with her

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-𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄-{ Sorry for the late update

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{ Sorry for the late update. I must've
gotten lost on the path of life or
whatever Kakashi said.}

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