Chapter 8- Alone

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Isis groaned as she tried to shut the hole with the stone slab. "Gonner, can you help me?"

Gonner sighed quietly and went to help Isis. Cima sat down next to her sister and nudged her, making Dixie smile.

"How are you?" Cima asked.

"Still shocked, but I can get used to it since you're here," Dixie said, looking at Cima. "How did you die, anyway? Did I get the full story?"

"I hope you did." Cima smiled as Gonner sat down across from them. "Everyone hated me, even though I tried to be the nicest. I guess I wasn't trying hard enough. Hannah pushed me in front of a car. I was in a coma and the doctor gave me a week. I could hear everything, but not see. You cried at my bedside, but I don't think you remember much. Asking me to stay in the mortal world. I woke up in my grave and met Gonner while I was trying to hide from some dark angels. We've stuck together since."

"Are you okay?" Dixie said, looking into her eyes.

"Sort of. I miss our family, of course, but this is what happened. I have to live with it. But now, you're with me, and we have to find a way to get back home." Cima shrugged.

"Even if life is pretty rotten, I want to go back with being normal," Dixie agreed. She looked at the sections where coffins were once stored. "I'm going to go to sleep."

"Sleep well," Cima called after her sister.

Dixie nodded and sealed the section with a stone slab.

"Finally, peace and quiet," Gonner sighed in relief, walking over and sitting next to Cima.

Cima smiled and kissed him quickly. "Does that make you feel better?"

"Another would be appreciated," Gonner said as a dreamy look filled his eyes.

"Of course it would." Cima rolled her eyes playfully before she kissed him softly.

She felt sparks in her stomach, just like before. She felt like she mattered to him. She felt like she was important to him. He showed her too, with romantic gestures and fun in general.

"I love you," Gonner muttered sweetly, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too." Cima smiled. She looked up at the sky, noticing the greenness. "Come on, let's get some shuteye."

Gonner nodded, and they slipped into a space next to Isis. They laid flat on their backs, holding hands as they fell asleep. Gonner looked at his love before sleep took over him, wondering how found such a treasure.

The next morning, Cima woke up, noticing that the side of her was cold. She looked around, confused. She was usually the first one up. Cima moved the slab aside and stumbled out, looking around.

"Do you still have it?" Dixie looked at her worriedly.

Cima looked at Dixie, confused, before looking down and opening the skull.

The half of the Azoth was gone. And Gonner had stolen it.

Cima took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts after they went through a scramble. She trusted him. She trusted him! She loved him!

"Maybe we should go back to the cemetery," Isis sighed.

"No. We're going to find Gonner and get our necklaces back," Dixie said angrily.

Isis groaned. "I'm hungry. I'm tired. And really scared!"

"Shut up and tell me which way to go," Dixie snapped.

"That way." Isis pointed toward a cobweb.

"I thought spun cobwebs were bad luck," Dixie muttered.

Isis laughed nervously. "Then, that way!"

"You have no idea, do you?" Cima deadpanned.

"No." Isis hung her head. "Yes. Wait, I have an idea."

"Your phony superstitions were a pack of lies to get me to be your friend," Dixie said furiously.

"I just wanted-"

Dixie started running, and I ran next to her, wiping tears away from my own eyes. We stopped after a while when we reached a forest. Lightning broke the clouds, startling Dixie. Cima wrapped an arm around her, remembering that her sister hated storms.

"It's okay, I got you," Cima said assuringly. "Nothing's going to hurt you."

"It's okay, I got you," Cima said to an eight-year-old Dixie. "Nothing's going to hurt you."

"I hate thunderstorms," Dixie said meekly.

"I know, but I'll protect you. I'll be here for you, no matter what," Cima reassured her.

Cima didn't notice she was backing away until she fell off the cliff with her sister. Dixie screamed as Cima closed her eyes, feeling separated from everything.

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