Chapter 1- The Grim Sisters

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Cima Grim stretched as she woke up, sunlight flooding her room. Her stomach growled, begging for food. She refused to eat the night before because she wasn't feeling well. She got dressed in a tank top button-up that tucked into cuffed ripped jeans. She added the skull belt she had gotten, an identical one to her sister's. The thirteen-year-old then went to wake up her eleven-year-old sister, Dixie.

"C'mon, Dixie. Rise and shine," Cima sighed, opening the curtains to her sister's room.

"Why do I have to go to school? Learning is useless," Dixie groaned, turning over to block herself from the sunlight.

Cima frowned. "Well, it's important to learn so you can grow up and get a job."

"Life is meaningless." Dixie rolled her eyes.

"It's worth something to everyone," Cima assured her. "Now, get up and get dressed. Dad's driving us."

"He's also driving us with Mrs. Jacobs," Dixie groaned.

"Dad's work is important, Dixie. He can't exactly choose us over the other," Cima said as Dixie climbed out of bed.

"Yeah, because he doesn't care about us," Dixie snorted.

"He loves us, Dixie, even if he shows it in the weirdest ways," Cima sighed. "I'm going to go get breakfast. I'm starving. I'll see you downstairs in five minutes."

"Whatever," Dixie replied as Cima walked out of the room.

Cima cheerfully walked down the stairs, almost skipping. She tried to make the most of life. She didn't care what was thrown her way, especially her parents' almost bitter divorce three years ago. She wanted to be as happy as possible.

"You're cheerful," her father said as she was handed toast and a water bottle.

"Like always, father," she replied, sitting down at the island and eating.

"Dixie, what would you like to eat?" her dad asked her younger sister.

"I'm good," Dixie said, heading out the door.

"Dixie, can you wait up?" Cima grabbed her backpack hurriedly and ran up to her sister's side. "What has gotten into you? Are Alyssa and Melissa bullying you again?"

"I don't want to talk about it! God, just leave me alone," Dixie snapped.

Cima frowned. "Fine. I will leave you alone until you are ready to talk to me."

"Don't plan on it being anytime soon," Dixie replied as she got into the car.

The girl's father came out, and Cima and he got in at the same time. The three of them sat in silence as the car ride of ten minutes went on.

They arrived at the school, and the two got out with a cheery goodbye from their father. They waved, and he drove off. Cima was stared at by a lot of boys and girls alike because of her beauty.

"Nice hair, freak!" a girl taunted.

"Thanks for the compliment!" Cima called after them.

"That wasn't a compliment, goth girl," a boy snorted.

"I appreciate the information." The girl smiled.

The boy then walked off with his group of friends, talking about the blue-haired girl who couldn't understand an insult. Cima understood insults, she just... she wants to take them in a good way, and not with the negativity that comes with them.

"Great job on the test yesterday, Miss Grim." The teacher smiled at her as Cima walked into the classroom.

A boy snorted. "Nerd."

The teacher glared at him. "I will not have that kind of disrespect in this classroom!"

"No, it's okay, miss. He's expressing his opinions that you illustrate distaste for. I assure you, I don't take them into offense," Cima assured her.

She sighed. "Fine. You're lucky you're only getting a warning. Next time, lunch detention with me."

"Nerd and a teacher's pet," he said as Cima walked past him to her seat.

"Mr. Davis!" the teacher snapped. "Detention, eleven-thirty! No more of those smart-aleck comments from you."

The entire class looked at him as he slinked into his seat. He turned to glare at Cima. "You're dead."

"You wouldn't be in this situation if you would've done what the teacher told you to do." Cima shrugged.

"So, I see multiple students got this question wrong on the test. Cima, tell me, when was pirating first recorded?"

"Fourteenth century," Cima said quickly.

"And the most famous pirate of the seventeenth century?" she smiled at her prized student.

"That would be Blackbeard. Edward Teach." Cima smiled.

"Again, I'm very proud of you, Cima, unlike some people." The teacher glared at Davis.

The class snickered as the bell rang. Out in the halls, she could see her old friend group smirking against the lockers as she passed them. She left after drama began in the group about a boy she didn't want to get into.

"Hey, Cima!" Hannah ran over to her. Hannah was the only one who Cima thought of as a friend.

"Hello, Hannah. Need something?" Cima smiled.

"I'm on break! Do you want to go on a walk?" Hannah offered.

"Sure." Cima nodded, thinking why not?

They walked outside, enjoying the scenes of nature. Even if you stood in one place, there would still be so much more to explore. The saltwater smell made almost everything smellable disappear. Cima loved the view of the ocean when her dad took her to the beach.

"You're really the teacher's pet, huh?" Hannah teased.

"I just work hard. Anything to please Mom and Dad." Cima shrugged.

"Everyone's talking about you, and not in a good way." Hannah fake-frowned.

"I don't care. I see the positive side of things and use it against them," Cima explained.

"Do you see a bright side in being hit by a car?" Hannah asked.

"What?" Cima turned to her, confused.

Hannah smirked evilly and shoved Cima out into the middle of the street as a car sped toward them. Cima fell and her lower body hit the hood of the car. The driver screamed, Cima falling onto the street covered in blood. She was unconscious.


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