Uncovering the Truth

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Dawn had just risen. Everyone in the house was still asleep when Red emerged from her room. She thought of what happened the previous night. The fog...the monsters...then she seemed to recall something else. She remembered seeing a dense fog, before a massive shadow covered everything! She didn't remember where she saw this, but she knew she had seen it.

She then remembered a bell...ringing over and over again. A pain ached within her head. It was a migraine! She stumbled forward, before feeling a sharp pain in her neck! It was a familiar feeling...the same feeling she had when the numbers were carved!

A voice rang out a moment later, the voice of the red haired man! She looked up, and found herself within the facility. He handed her something, a pendant. It was gold. "Hold on to this. Don't lose it." The Man said. She blinked, and everything was normal! Unfortunately, she had lost the pendant.

"You alright?" A Voice asked. She turned to look, and found David standing nearby! It seemed he was able to move again. Alex walked out a moment later. "Well, you seem to be recovering well." Alex said, "I'm still a ways away. But don't worry, I'll be able to return to the field soon." David replied.

"I see. Well, hopefully soon. I don't make the best leader." Alex said, "You say that now. But you never know." David responded. Red yawned, and stretched out. "You tired, Red? It's quite early. If you want to head back to sleep you can." David said. Naturally, she didn't understand a word he said.

An awkward silence arose. "Talkative as ever I see." Knull said, emerging from a nearby room, "We're talking now? I love talking." Gill responded, also emerging from a nearby room, "I know. You didn't stop talking the entire trip into this city, nor to the clothing store, nor to the beach, or anywhere else." Knull said.

"Actually that was a shopping mart." Gill replied, "Uh...okay?" Knull said, somewhat confused. Firehawk emerged from his room, with his arm now...reattached! "Hi." Firehawk said. Knull casually walked away. "I need to use the bathroom." Knull said, "Alright then." David replied.

"Well, we have a lot to talk about. But we have to wait until Knull gets out." Firehawk said. Ten minutes later, they were still waiting! "This bathroom trip better not be turning into a bathroom vacation." Alex said. A few moments later, he walked back down the hall towards them.

"Finally. Now...are we all ready and listening?" Firehawk asked, "Yes. Go ahead." David answered. Everyone else nodded. "Well, I believe I know what the fog is. The fog was surrounding the base where Red was kept, and now it seemed to arrive where she was running. It seems the fog is targeting her. Which means we may find some answers in the base she was kept.

So, besides that, we know the red haired man seemed after her, as well as the Gallows. So it may be one of those two are causing the fog." Firehawk said, "I see...either way is bad. But the best way to find out would likely be going to the facility..." David responded, "Yes...and that isn't the safest thing to do..." Alex said.

"Perhaps we should contact the Leader about this?" Firehawk asked, "Best not to waste his time...we should find something more solid first. Do you guys WANT to go to the facility? We can...it's not like it's guarded anymore. It's just not stable." David answered, "I suppose we can." Alex said.

"Well, if you want to go look, feel free." David replied, "I'll go. Who wants to go with me?" Alex asked, "I'll go." Gill answered, "I'll join you." Knull answered, "My blade is yours." Firehawk answered, "Are you gonna go, David?" Alex asked, "Why not...I suppose I can. I just can't move very well." David answered.

"What about Red? Are we just gonna leave her?" Knull asked, "I don't think that's wise...what if we die or something? Then she'll just be waiting here..." Alex answered, "Real positive thoughts I see." David said. Alex shrugged. "Not to mention if she runs off again, then we won't be there to help..." Firehawk said, "Well, we should bring her then. Do we even have enough room in the car...?" David asked.

"I'll just take my motorcycle." Alex answered, "Alright. Well, it won't hurt to look...probably. But there is no guarantee we will find anything either." David said, "That's true, but it's our best lead, and it is better than sitting here doing nothing." Alex responded, "Well, does anyone need to prepare?" David asked, "I'm all good to go." Alex answered.

"I'm fine." Gill answered, "I might need to use the bathroom again." Knull answered. Everyone glared at him. "What? I have a small bladder." Knull said, "I didn't know bladders could be small..." Gill replied, "They can be. At least...I think so..." Knull said, "Just go use the bathroom. What about you, Hawk?" David asked.

"I'm good." Firehawk answered, "Red?" David asked. Everyone looked at her, and she smiled awkwardly. "Alright, I guess we are all good to go. After Knull finishes anyway." David said. They all walked to the elevator, which took them to the garage. They got the vehicles out, and a moment later Knull exited the house.

They got in, and drove off to the facility. They stopped a ways outside it, and approached the cliffs Red and David went down. "Do we have to climb? Walking is hard enough..." Gill asked, "Shut up and climb." Knull answered, moving towards the cliffs. They began climbing up, eventually reaching the spot where David met Red.

"Huh...memories, am I right, Red?" David asked. She didn't answer this of course. David and Red had been helped up most of the way, as he still wasn't in a good condition for climbing, and Red wasn't very fit for climbing in the first place. "Alright, now we just need to make it up there. It looks like the door is stuck open." David said, pointing up to the door Red fell out of.

"Good thing I have a grappling hook." Firehawk said, throwing a hook with a rope attached! It flew through the air...perfectly! It landed...then fell off the ledge! "Huh...it didn't work..." Firehawk said, "New plan. We climb again." David responded, "How? Is there even anything to climb?" Knull asked.

"I can try to lift us up there with my wind. It won't be easy though." Alex said, "It's worth a shot." David replied. They walked over to the spot just below the door. It was a ways above them still, but with Alex's wind, they would surely reach it. "Alright, so this isn't easy to do...so stay still, and very close. If you move, I might drop you and you will probably break an arm." Alex said.

"Uhhh, alright then." David replied. Everyone started to get closer. Red began to follow, but Alex stopped her. "It's best you wait here a moment. I'll lift you up when we get there." Alex said. Alex angled the palms of his hands towards the ground, and slowly lifted them into the air with wind! "It's really hard not to move." Gill said.

"Talking is moving your mouth, that's almost enough." Alex said. Gill quickly went silent. Once they reached the top, Alex lifted Red up into the facility. Naturally, she panicked the whole time! "That's why I lifted her on her own." Alex said.

"Well, let's get to it." David said. With that, they entered the facility. Now they had a chance to find some truth! But what would they find?

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