"Hello you must be Darcy's mum I'm Alex."Said a tall muscular man waking up to me when I entered the classroom.

"Yes.Nice to meet you.I'm so sorry about this.Darcy isn't like this usually."I said,slightly blushing under gaze.

"It's fine.Can I talk to you in the back please?"He asked.I noticed his cheeks had turned red,which made his blue eyes stand out.

"Sure."I replied shyly.I looked around to see the little kids too ingrossed in their painitng to see me and Alex leave.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"I asked as we walked into a cute little art room filled with paintings of all sorts.

"Take a seat."He said geasturing towards the small courled stools in the middle of the room.

"Okay."I said brushing past him on purpose. I didn't know what bring that upon but I'm kind of glad I did it.

"Alex?"I called,he turned around on the spot before walking towards me.My cheeks felt hot as he came closer.

Alex to the seat next to me,moving his chair so he was practically in my lap.Not that I minded of course.He was good-looking I mean really really good-looking,his toned arms straining against his tight t-shirt,matching with his dark skinny jeans.His curly hair framed his face perfectly.

"So about Darcy."He began.

"I know I'm really sorry about that.Like I said she's not usually like that."

"I know it's fine thats not what I wanted to ask you."He said.

"Oh."I said looking up into his eye.

"Yeah oh."He said chuckling slightly."I want to ask you something on a more personal level."He said placing his hand on the back of his neck.

I felt a lump in my throat before swallowing hard."Oh umm and that maybe?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime.Like for a coffe."

"Oh umm."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off so strong .Oh god you must think im an idot Im so sorry."

"No Alex I would love to.I mean what's wrong with two people getting a coffee."I said.

"Exactly what I was thinking."

"Then it's a date."I replied."I mean a nice coffe with a friend."

"Esema calm down I didnt mean we are suddenly friend.I just met you."

"Oh umm well this is awkward."I said looking down in my lap.

God he must think I'm an idiot.

"Esmea."He said ,before taking my hand in his so that I would look into his eyes,which I did reluctenty. I saw the corners of his mouth twitch, moving into a small smirk."I'm only joking."

"Alex."I groaned before hitting him playfully.

"Wow look like we've got a fisty one here."He joked.

"And don't you forget it."I joked.

"Hello Alex are you in here.I was just informing you that....Oh I'm sorry."I turned my head to see Harry staring at us.With a blank expression.

"Sorry Harry.I was just chatting to Darcy's mum telling her what happened "He said.I couldn't help but laugh.

"No it's fine I was just informing you that I will be taking Trevor home early to get cleaned up."

"Sure no worries Harry.Thanks for coming in."

"No worries."He said without looking in my direction.

"I'm sorry about Darcy Harry."I said standing up.

"Yep okay.Bye Esmea."He said before walking away.

"Well I guess I better take Darcy home to have a chat.I'll see you soon Alex."I said waving goodbye.

"Esmea hold up."I stopped in my track and turned around slowly.Alex placed a piece of paper in my hands before kissing my cheek softly.

"Bye Alex.I'll text you soon."

"I'll be wating."He said holding the door for me.

"Thanks bye and sorry again."I said picking Darcy up.

"No worries.Bye Darcy."

"Laters bobby."She said poking her tounge out at him.

"Darcy that's rude."I sad whispering into his ear.

"I don't like him.He got me into trouble .Me and Trevor were only mucking around."She said before crying into my shoulder.

Oh well this is just great .Seems like Darcy hasn't taken a liking to Alex,who I undoutably have

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