Thanks for that

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We were all in dorm after a tiring day of lessons.

James: "bro-"

Me: "i had your fucking tongue in my mouth 5 minutes ago, don't you fucking dare call me bro"

James: "your right"

Me: "I'm always right" chuckling

Sirius: "that's not funny"

Me: "I thought it was funny"

Sirius: "you don't count, you started laughing at a funeral because of a Facebook meme you remembered"

Me: ".........." "right thanks for that Sirius"

Me and Remus were now studying in the library with James. I was sat on James' lap whilst me and Remus studied, James just sat there.

Me: "I have the urge to do something stupid"

James: "I'm stupid do me" "..... I said that out loud"

Me and Remus laughed and James eventually started laughing and we went back to studying.

Me: "your staring"

James: "what"

Me: "your staring I can't concentrate when your staring"

James: "but your so cute when your concentrating"

I blushed.
James: "what? It's true no need to blush"
"Daisy, Daisy, Darling?" Poking my cheeks

Me: "what!"

James: "will you help me with my homework"

Me: "when I've finished"

James: "thank you, I love you" and kissed my cheek.

I helped James with his homework then I went to see Regulus before going back to the dorm, I just stood outside the door listening.

Sirius: "I have Lorelei's diary"

Remus: "we shouldn't read that"

Sirius: "oh, honey, honey how he thrills me ah ha honey, honey"

Remus: "Sirius"

Sirius: "honey, honey nearly kills me ah ha honey, honey"

Me: "what are you doing?!"

Sirius: "nothing!" Throwing my diary to James.

James: "I've heard about him before, I wanted to know some more and now I know what they mean he's a love machine"

James threw it to Remus: "oh how he makes me dizzy! Honey, honey let me feel it ah ha honey, honey"

Me: "fine! I'll read it! Honey, honey don't conceal it ah ha honey, honey. The way you kiss goodnight, the way you hold me tight, I feel like I wanna sing when you do your.... THING" "......Happy now?"

Sirius: "ecstatic"

Me: "very funny!"

You and me //James potter and Lorelei BlackWhere stories live. Discover now