"No I don't it was from my brother" huge lie there but I don't care.

She snickered "wow.. I'll see you Tuesday ok?" I nod

"See you then." I said heading to the car right when I got in starting it calling Alexa

"I'm so happy I come home next weekend, I'm so sick of this school." First thing she said

"Also you miss me and I am a pretty missable person." I said smirking

"Next weekend, you, me , alcohol and Netflix."

"Sounds like a plan bro.. So guess what." I said


"Harry got me a fucking Car.. A Range Rover to be exact."

"No shit?! Seriously?!"

"Oh dead serious."

"Geez he buys you a plane ticket to see him for 3 days, then a new iPhone and clothes, now a freaking new spanking car!" She said as my phone vibrates I see its a text from him

"He also sent me a bunch of daisies that covered my whole living and probably room now, a giant Reese cup that's like 5 pounds and he just texted me." I said pulling up the text

' Theres more in the box you know. ;)'

"Oh god there's more?!" I question

"More?! What more can he give you?" She asked

"I have no clue... " I said leaving the parking lot " I may just have to FaceTime him when I get home and see what the hell he's talking about"

"Please do I need stories to entertain my life."

"I will, no valentines date?" I ask

She sighed " no I had a few guys asked me but I wanted to watch Netflix and be a loner"

"Well you can be my gay lover next weekend" I smirk

"Aren't I always?" She asked offended jokingly

"I'm a married woman now mam but I'm all yours next weekend."

"We should go to a movie too"

"I still wanna see fifty shades of grey" I said

"Please don't drag me to it!" She groaned

"To bad so sad my friend" I smirk

"Why can't you wait til you see Harry again?" She groaned again

"Because I don't know when that will be and it be out of theater by then!" I said stopping at a stop light

"I don't wanna deal with your Horniness when we see it!"

"Ew! Alexa!" I said grossed out driving again

"Also please tell me your on your period now because that's when it's bad" she said

"Yes I'm on my period can we please stop talking about my sex drive?" I ask

"Yeah of course! Your probably almost home" she said as I pull into the driveway

"I am now I'm going to call Harry text you dude"

"Bye lover" she hung up I shake my head shutting off the car getting out, I open the door walking in into the living room to my mom on her laptop

"How was work?" She asked I nodded

"Ok.. Whatcha doing?" I ask

"Just looking on Facebook... So Toby is coming into town in a couple weeks." she said

"Why?" I ask confused

"He said he needs to get away and wants to come home?" Looking up at me I give her a weird look

"Whatever I am going to FaceTime Harry." I begin to walk up the stairs

" Do you want anything to eat?" She asks

"I need chocolate so I'm going to start eating my Reese heart" i walk up into my room I strip down putting on shorts and coral tank top I grab my laptop quickly clicking Harry's Name it starts ringing I look around my room forgetting about the daisies "dad wasn't kidding" I don't think I be able to walk into my bathroom I grab the box as I hear he picked up I walk to my bed setting the box down

"Hi Baby Girl" I heard him

"Hey Hubs" I said

I hear him chuckle "Hubs?" He asked I sit down in the bed

"Yes Hubs bubs!" I said excitedly of his new nick name I can call him he laughed at me

"You get excited over the little things it's adorable" he said as I pull out the chocolate heart opening it up

"Bless you for the Reese heart." I said taking a bite of it

"Why is that?" He asked amused

"Girl problems" I said he gave a pouty face " So why did you buy me a car? I fucking expensive car that like no one in this town has?!" I ask again

"Because you said your car was dying and you loved mine so I bought you the latest model." He said smiling I frown "were people giving you problems?" He asked worried

"Haley the one that told me about the article" he cringed at that "snickered about It and asked if I had a sugar daddy I didn't tell anyone.." I said as I pull out the little candy hearts of Reese's

"I don't like this Haley.. Quit your job and tour the world with me, Lou needs another assistant." He said hinting

"As good as that sounds I'm going to pass... For now." He gave me a smile "what the hell did else did you put in here?" I ask digging through the box he chuckled

"Go to the very bottom" I flipped the box everything coming out "that works too." He said giggling I see medium size box

"What did you do Styles" I ask as I open the box I see a picture frame, it's one of my favorites so far of us when we were at the trampoline place in Vegas. I gasp as I read around the thick frame.

'Your my light, my night, the color of my blood, my cure and my pain. '

I feel the tears prick "oh my god Harry" My voice cracks slightly "I love it"

"I figured you would." He smiled big

"Thank you for the flowers... They covered my whole living room and now my room because my dad moved them all in here"

He laughed loudly

"It's not funny!" I said chuckling wiling my tears "I love all my gifts thank you." I said

"Your welcome my baby"he said smiling

"I have your gift.. But you have to wait til we see one another" I said

"That's fine, you'd didn't half too" he said

"I know but I had too" I smiled

"The things you do to me" he said smiling

We talk up til he had to go to sound check he makes me so happy.

Love Me Like You Do (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now