[Techno] You okay?
[Elodiesorion] no lol
[Technoblade] Wilburs ending his stream rn.. Wanna talk about it?
[Elodie] it's just dumb family things you wouldn't care
[Techno] You don't have too. I was just wondering because it sounded serious and you guys are my friends so idk I don't want you guys to be sad and not have anyone there for you
[Techno] Sorry I'm rambling over dms
[elodie] no worries techno i'll talk to you soon... gotta go talk to the big man
[techno] okay be safe
[elodie] you too

"Okay, stream has ended. Whats going on?" Wilbur asked. The girl had held back her tears as much as possible.

"Um.. so my mom. She called me. Just she wants to have dinner with us.. Tonight." Elodie couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

"Okay, we'll go just to show her this is your home." He said wrapping his arms around the girl.

"I don't know why she wants this. It's like she wants to haunt me." Elodie cried. Her words muffled by Wilbur's sweater.

"It's gonna be okay." He said. "When are we going?"

"She said 2 hours. At her house." Wilburs face dropped as well. He was hurting for his best friend. She didn't deserve what was about to happen.

Elodie and Wilbur walked into the unfamiliar house greeted by her parents. She tried to smile but couldn't. She looked up at her friend. He gave her a reassuring nod and Elodie led him to the dining room.

"Hello Elodie, Will." Her father scowled.

"Elodie it is so nice to see you after all these- oh, you got that piercing anyway." Her mother said in disgust. She placed down a bowl filled with what she assumed was potatoes. "And Will, nice to see you again. Now let's eat I have so much I want to talk about." Elodie nodded and sat down. Wilbur sitting down next to her. They grabbed some food and ate in silence. Elodie wasn't going to be the first one to say anything.

"Okay I'll break the ice. Lillian, how have you been?" Wilbur asked.

"I've been wonderful, how have you too been? Finally confessed your feelings?" The woman said. Elodie almost spit her food out.

"No mom. We're not together." Elodie said, trying not to get super upset.

"We're just siblings." Wilbur added.

"Well that's not what I remember hearing from Elod-"

"Mom that was almost 7 years ago! And it wasnt even that I just thought he was cute that's all. And obviously he is, I mean look at him." Elodie tried to smile over at him.
"I'm inflating his ego, nevermind."

"Well you break my little girl's heart and we're gonna have an issue." Her dad said.

"Good to see you too Mr. Orion." He mumbled shoving a spoonful of potatoes in his mouth.

"How is that whole 'I'm gonna become famous on the internet' thing going?" Lillian asked.

"Very well. I average almost 100k viewers and have in total about 12 million total viewers. I think I'm ranked like 9 or 8 on Twitch." Wilbur said, being fairly proud of how he has grown.

"Okay, thats a bit of impressive." Mr. Orion said.

"Elodie how about you?" Her mom asked.

"O-oh I'm in my second year of uni." She said, "Psychology" Her mother nodded and started cleaning up her plate.

"So why did you want us here?" Elodie asked.

"I can't see my daughter?" Her mother replied.

"You abandoned me when I was 13! I have lived with Wilbur's family and we finally moved out like 3 months ago." Elodie yelled.

"Keep your voice down in this house." Her father said, loudly.

"Wilbur? Like Wilbur Soot? I remember Kayla talking about him" Her mom questioned.

"Whos Kayla?" Elodie questioned.

"Your sister, shes at her friends house tonight." Mr. Orion said.

"You're kidding me." Wilbur whispered.

"We're leaving now." Elodie said, standing up, grabbing Wilburs hand and walking out of the house. "I'm never going back." Elodies eyes filled with tears quickly.

"It's gonna be okay, they aren't worth the tears." Wilbur said hugging the girl. Elodie melted into the hug. She wouldn't know what she would do without him. He was the only family she had.

"Can we just go back home? I wanna sleep." She mumbled. Wilbur nodded letting her go.

── time skip ──

"Elodie" Wilbur cheered from the hall. "El!" He said busting into her room. Elodie was sitting at her desk sleeping. "She's going to overwork herself." He said shaking her lightly. She woke up almost instantly.

"I'm up!" She groaned. "Sorry I'm just stressed. Finals are tomorrow and I just want them to end."

"Actually, after finals I was wondering if you where up for a sleepy boys meetup featuring you." He smirked. "Techno said he wants a big meetup in California so we can vlog and go to Disney." Elodie brain couldn't handle anything in the moment so all she said was,


"Yes! Okay you study then after finals we pack and leave for Cali" Elodie could tell her friend was over the moon. He would get to meet his closest friends and be with Elodie. This was his dream. Going back to her books Elodie couldn't focus. She grabbed her phone from her bed and texted the one person who she can't keep out of her head.

[elodie] hey techno!
[techno] Hi Elodie
[elodie] one sec

Elodie pressed the call button and watched as Techno accepted the call.


"Techno Hi! I didn't feel like texting." Elodie spoke. Techno felt butterflies in his stomach. Her voice was sweet like honey. It always made Techno smile.

"Yeah thats fine. How are you? You didn't text me back after Wilburs stream." He said with curiosity.

"Oh yeah sorry. It was just my parents. They just wanted to be together again. It was draining to say the least." She explained.

"Parents suck." He said.

"Yeah." Elodie agreed. "So I heard you want a sleepy boys meet up."

"Yep, are you going to come too?" Techno so badly wanted her to say yes. Knowing she mostly likely won't due to the unfortunate timing.

"I wouldn't miss it. I get to meet my new bestie." She joked. Technos smile just got wider. He would finally be meeting her. Something he has wanted to do since the first minecraft stream 3 months ago.
"Glad to know." He tried to speak. "I'm actually very excited to meet everyone in

"Same. I can't wait to see america. Is it as gross as it seems?" Techno laughed at her question.

"It can be." Elodie smiled at his smart-ass reply.

"So what's new with you?"



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