Chapter 29 Happy Easter

Start from the beginning

"And you want my help," Calley put two-to-two together as she leaned against her locker. "Sounds exciting..."

"Oh, c'mon Calley." I said, "Surely you have memories of hunting for eggs on Easter."

Calley's frown then fell. "We would get together with the neighborhood kids, and we'd have our parents hide the eggs we painted. Then we'd all go searching for them around town," she said, lost in thought, before returning from her trance.

Calley sighed. "Alright fine, you win Sophie. I guess I'll agree to your little egg hunt. Now if you'd excuse me, I have much more important things to deal with." Then she walked off.

"Thanks Calley," I smiled to myself before venturing into the busied crowd.

I stepped out when catching sight of the familiar figure that was exiting from the learning center.

"Brett!" I exclaimed, running toward him as he turned to face me.

"Blondey? What are you doing here?" he asked.

Ignoring the nickname, I asked, "Would you like to have an Easter egg hunt? If so, we're having a get together in the student lounge at 12."

Brett thought for a moment. "It could be some fun...Okay, sign me up. I'll meet you there later." Then walked off.

"One left," I smiled, continuing my mission.

After math class, I stayed behind to talk to Kieron. He was packing up his belongings, then tossed his book bag onto his shoulders when I walked over.

"Hey, Kieron?" I smiled when getting his attention.

Kieron looked up at me. "Yeah?"

"Would you like to be part of an Easter egg hunt?" I asked.

Knowing that I wasn't going to let him turn me down, Kieron let out a low sigh.

"I guess," he said. "Anything to get out of coach Baird's class."

"Great," I smiled. "It's almost 12 now, so we better get going to the student lounge to meet up with the others."

Kieron nodded, following me out into the hallway towards our destination.


After Bri took on the job of collecting names for the petition, the rest of the girls and I were standing near the girl's bathroom that both Britney and Macy previously entered, planning what to do next. Right now, we were trying to figure out who was going to try to convince them to join our committee.

"You should do it," said Emma.

"What? Why me?" I asked.

"With Alicia's mouth and Britney's mood swings, there's bound to be only trouble," Emma explained. "Besides, the sound of Macy's wailing gives me a headache, so it definitely shouldn't be us."

"Fine, I'll ask her if Chels comes with me," I stated, looking at her.

"Do I have to come?" Chels pouted.

"Yes, you have to. Because if one of them decides to kill me, I'll need a witness."

"We'll also convince Reuben, Marty, and Cole, our classes aren't too far apart. You two go talk to Jose and Veronica. Then, we'll all meet up in the student lounge area with Sophie," said Emma.

We all agreed.

"Come on, Alic. Let's get back to class and then after we'll go find the others."

"Okay, fine," said Alicia, then wished both Chels and I luck before disappearing down the hall alongside Emma.

"Well, we better get started, Lotte." Chels said, holding open the door, which I stepped inside first as Chels followed close behind.

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