2,6•Derrys Idiot.

Start from the beginning

I had reached the Guildhall, when I saw Clare. I waved at her before walking over. "What happened to your face?" I questioned the girl who had a scratch on her lip. "I fought that bitch over there." Clare told me before pointing to a child. "What? You scrapped that wien?" I questioned her. "Aye, she wanted my spot and I was not relenting." She told me, making me shrug and lean on the fence. Protecting our front row spaces.

The rest of the gang arrived, with Clare making us link up in a chain. "Come on, James!" Clare told the boy. I held out my hand for him to grab, smiling at him. "I need to talk to you. To all of you." He said, swapping his gaze from me to the rest of the girls. "Later, James." Me and Clare rushed him. "It can't wait." He replied, making me look at him quizzically. "Just fuck up and link on." Michelle demanded. "I'm leaving. I'm going back to London with mum." He told us, making us all go silent and stare at him. "When?" Erin quietly asked. "Now. I have to go now. The taxis booked. I'm sorry. It was all decided so quickly." James simply replied. I couldn't get my words out. They were lodged in my throat, only coming out in pitiful croaks, making James look at me with sad eyes. "I don't understand." Orla told the boy. "He's not serious." Michelle quickly told the girl. "I am." James said. It had the same effect on me as a punch would. He was leaving us. Leaving me. "You can't leave, James." Clare tried to tell the boy. "Look, This was always gonna happen. This was never my real life. It was just something that got in the way of it." James said. "Got in the way of it? We? I? Got In the way of it?" I whispered in disbelief that James would say such a thing. He sighed and looked at me sorrowfully. "What are you talking about? You love it here." Erin tried to convince the boy. "I'm not sure I do. I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome." James tried to tell us, making me scoff for what felt like the one hundredth time that day. "Catch yourself on. You've never even been to Switzerland." Michelle said, laughing slightly. "Listen. I'll never forget this place. But I have to go home now. It's time. Goodbye, girls." He said collectively before walking over to me and cupping my face in his hands. I shook my head lightly. He rested his forehead on mine. "I'm so sorry, Caoimhe. But I have to leave. I love you so much, don't forget that. Goodbye, baby." He whispered too me, wiping the tears that got away off of my cheeks before pulling me into a light kiss and walking away.

"No! Wait!" I shouted after him, hearing Michelle shout something before following me.

I chased after him through the crowd, Michelle hot on my heels. "Oi, wank features!" Michelle shouted at him. "Michelle, please." He said while turning around, not expecting to be met with me. "Please don't go James. You belong here! With us! With me! You belong here more then you ever will in England. You're supposed to stay with me, and love me, just like I love you, but now you're leaving?" I asked the boy. Michelle rubbed my shoulder for comfort.

"I have to leave... don't you understand that? Of course I love you but, my home is England... it'll never be here, in Derry. This isn't me." James told me, seemingly emotionless. I scoffed at him, trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. "They told me about you, and I refused to believe them but you know what, maybe they were right... you don't care about other people, you don't even take them into consideration, fuck you James. I love you, and you're willing to throw that away for a women that doesn't even love you back?" I shouted towards the end. He rolled his eyes at me before turning away. "I have to leave, you wouldn't understand what it's like to have your parent come back for you." He told me over his shoulder. I span him round. "What did you just say?" I whispered harshly, not believing in the words he spoke. "I said you wouldn't understand your parent coming back! You won't ever understand!" He shouted. I was sobbing by now, in disbelief. "Fuck you, James. Just fuck Right off." I cried before turning around and storming back into the crowd. Leaving Michelle to deal with him.

I couldn't find the energy to be happy, not even when the President of the United fucking States went on stage. All I could think about was the boy with the blue eyes and the curly hair who had just walked away with my heart, stepping on it with each step he took away from me. The girls had given up on trying to cheer me up, considering that they were quite gloomy themselves. Orla had turned around and started shouting. "I see him! I see him!" She tried to tell us. "You're facing the wrong way, Orla." Erin told our cousin. "Aye, you've got to turn around." I joined in, trying to move my cousin back the right way. She grabbed my shoulders before pointing to the bridge. "No, no, look, it's James!" She shouted, making me spin around so fast I thought I would fall. We all were turned to see him on top of the bridge, shouting something we couldn't hear. I was the first into action, elbowing my way through the crowed and jumping into his arms and crying into his shoulder. We all joined in a group hug. Overwhelmed with emotions, I looked into his eyes, tears falling out of mine. "I had to come back." He told us all. Then leant down into me ear. "I couldn't marry you one day if I was all the way in England, could I?" He whispered to me, making me shake my head while crying out of joy. I slapped his chest. "You're an idiot. But you better stick to that promise." I whispered back before connecting our lips. He was a fucking idiot. But he was Derry's idiot.

2104 words.

So that's the end. At exactly 10pm on the 26th of March, 2021.

I can't believe it's over. It's unreal. Thank you for all the support you've shown this book! I can't believe people have even read it, and now it's got nearly 1k reads!

Thank you so so much for reading, I hope you Enjoyed Caoimhes story<3

Ive been thinking of making a Tommy Shelby story? What do we think?

As always, vote and comment if you enjoyed <3

But yeah, sadly, I won't cya tomorrow

(^^why did that low-key make me want to cry?)

But goodbye my readers! I love you all, thank you so much for reading. I don't want to publish this chapter, it means it's finally over. I wish you all the best! Goodbye for now.

Sweet as honey • James Maguire Where stories live. Discover now