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AN - This brings the story to a close but I hope you enjoyed it! I know it's completely outside canon now but it was a fun story to write and hopefully its still a fun read too! Thanks! 

DISCLAIMER - No new claim or possession of Arrow, just playing a bit more w/o profit!


"So not a serious alarm then?" Oliver asked. 

Felicity's smile was smug as she advised, "It's the fit band - apparently your heart rate is dangerously elevated." Felicity was laughing as Oliver claimed her lips and continued despite the alert. 

Oliver had now moved them so Felicity's back was against the car and as his lips again moved down to her neck Felicity's head dropped back with a moan. Unfortunately when she opened her eyes to gasp as Oliver pushed her more firmly against the car she then noticed the security camera pointed in their direction. 

"Oliver - wait!" Felicity's intended exclamation came out as breathy moan so she wasn't really surprised that Oliver did not pause in his attention and actually returned to kiss her lips again. 

Felicity indulged them both for a moment before pulling her lips away, the rest of her body remained glued to Oliver. "The security cameras..." Felicity tried again. 

The words reached some part of Oliver's brain and he did actually drop his forehead to hers and take a couple deep breaths. His words, however, shocked Felicity. "We do need to stop and I need to go see Laurel." Oliver wasn't fully focused on his own words but he as he was focused on Felicity he didn't miss when a different tension invaded her body. 

He pulled back quickly to see her expression and saw the hurt morph into anger even as she met his eyes and tried to push him away. "No, not like that...as the Arrow." Oliver supplied the information quickly and watched as confusion replaced the anger. 

"The Arrow...why?" Felicity then put the pieces together. "You lied about her not pressing charges?" 

"No, I did not lie to you - she won't press charges. I'll go as the Arrow and advise that you delivered the message. That was the deal, right?" As Oliver felt guilty about misleading Felicity he did look away. 

"Oliver, you didn't just talk her into dropping the charges?" Felicity questioned in surprise. When Diggle had told her Oliver had chased after Laurel, images of the playboy billionaire pining for his lost love had nearly destroyed Felicity. She had difficulty accepting that Laurel couldn't be persuaded by Oliver. 

"I didn't even try." Oliver shrugged negligently. "I gave her some excuses and said I would try to talk to you so that if you were even in contact with the Vigilante that I would ask you to deliver her message. If it wasn't for Detective Lance I would think we should tell her you are can't make contact-" 

Felicity stared at Oliver for a moment after this first statement then she kissed him soundly on the lips. It wasn't as passionate as the recent ones but it did demonstrate her joyful appreciation for the fact that he didn't do the playboy thing and try to charm his old flame. While Oliver didn't truly understand why she was happy it was enough right now that she was happy and kissing him. 

Even as Oliver and Felicity enjoyed several more kisses the object of their recent discussion was in her apartment awaiting her father's arrival.


Laurel paced around her apartment trying to ignore the pull of the pill bottles hidden in her bookcase. She'd had a drink when she got in but her nerves were still frayed. Maybe I should - a knock at her door interrupted Laurel's thoughts and startled her even though she was expecting her father's visit. She had called him after the unfortunate meeting with Ollie as she wanted to let him know about the possibility of an investigation into Ms. Smoak. After all, he was the detective who originally linked her to the Vigilante crimes even if no charges were filed at that time. She had thought he would appreciate the update and that it would perhaps get him off her back if he thought she was walking the straight and narrow again. However, instead he had seemed upset and cut the call short saying he would meet her at her place so they could speak in person. 

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