Chapter 4 - Male bonding (Part 2)

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Chapter 4 - Male bonding (Part 2) 

DISCLAIMER - No change in the legal status as Arrow belongs to others and I receive no profit from this! 


Oliver actually reached out to place a hand on Roy's shoulder as he continued. "We do everything we can to keep them safe and it will drive you crazy if you let it but the bottom line is we work together and they deserve our support as they support us." 

Roy nodded and appreciated the advice but still grumbled. "I don't have to like it." 

"Nope, you don't." Oliver agreed before he turned, clicked his comms back on and started toward the Bridge. "Race you." 


Oliver and Roy made easy time to the bridge and stopped on a building with a good vantage point. Both were scouring the streets and shadows for movement, danger.  

"Felicity?" Oliver spoke only her name in question as he continued to search the area. 

"Nothing on the scans tonight - the street cameras are down in the area though." She spoke in a serious calm tone as she updated them. 

"Got it. It looks quiet from here too. We'll drop in and get a closer look." 

Oliver spoke briefly to Roy to explain his strategic approach. "You'll be in front and on the ground - just act casual if there's anyone out. Head straight down, one left and go past the bridge before swinging back around to go under it. I'll stay just above and behind you. Got it?" 

"Got it." Roy used Oliver's words even as adrenaline started pouring into his system. He was eager to move forward so he could prove himself to the Team and so he could work off some of his anxiety about Thea's involvement on the Team. He went down the fire escape and only once looked back toward Oliver but the Arrow had already melted into the shadows. 

"Eyes on the ground Roy." Oliver chastised lightly. 

"Got it." Roy repeated even as he landed on the street. He took a brief moment to look for danger before calmly walking out onto the streets. He didn't encounter anyone as he made the left and continued past the bridge. He tensed momentarily before he moved off the street and back toward the bridge. 

"Roy, you have a tail. Five or six behind and to your right. Keep going but stay alert." Oliver's voice was low, calm as he provided the update. 

Roy didn't verbally acknowledge the words but Oliver noted that his walk was a little more grounded as if he expected an attack soon. 

As soon as Roy cleared the edge of the bridge he saw a group of guys pull away from the shadows and block his way. They appeared his age or younger so Roy wasn't immediately uneasy - the streets were his comfort zone after all. 

"Hey." Roy spoke easily and directed his eyes to the one who stepped forward. 

"Whatcha doin here?" The apparent leader spoke with an angry hiss. "There's nothing for you here." 

"Just looking for a friend. We used to hang out in the Glades but she's been gone for a couple days." Roy improvised on the spot and tuned half an ear to Oliver. "Police won't do nothing for us." Roy added sounding very much like a street thug himself as he shrugged negligently and looked around the group. 

"I'm at your back." Oliver spoke as he moved in between Roy's back and the group following him. 

"Right, well there's no one here but us. So you'd better get out now." 

Go Team ArrowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora