"And he took the life of mine, Gavin. I told you, it won't be pretty. I need to avenge his death."

Meyer and Zee both gasped as Gavin knelt in front of him.

"Your majesty, no!" Zee said.

"Don't do this Gavin." Meyer said, kneeling too so he would be on level with the prince. Royals must never bow down to everybody. The only time they do is during their coronation. Gavin took Meyer's cold hand and hugged it.

"Please, Meyer. You can achieve justice by not killing Kao. There are other ways."

"I'm a common citizen. What power do I have against the likes of you, a monarch?"

"They'll kill you before you can touch Kao. Please, I don't want you to die."

"Me? Or do you not want Kao to die?" he accused.

"I don't want anyone to die Meyer. This will hurt plenty of people. Us, you, the citizens."

"So you want me to just keep quiet to save his face?" Meyer said angrily.


"No, Gavin. Kao needs to pay. I know you won't agree with me, that's why I want to break-up. You can't stop me."

Gavin's tears fell on Meyer's hands. He was torn. He's all for Meyer achieving justice, but he didn't want his brother to die.

"Then just expose him. Expose what he did. Let the people know of his sin. Let it be his punishment. If the king knows about his crime, he will not give him the throne."

Meyer didn't care about throne transitions, but exposing him is indeed tempting.

"Exposing him is not on par with what he did. He deserves something worse. I am not satisfied if he's just going to be dethroned."

"You will never be satisfied whether you kill him or not, Meyer. You want revenge. But revenge will only ruin you. Do you think your brother wants you to do this?"

Meyer bit his lip to stop himself from bawling again. Gavin was shaking his wall, but he can't deny that he was scared of committing that act.

"Meyer, think about it. I know you are so angry right now, but try to calm down. I'm here to help you. Whatever evidence you need against Kao, I can get it."

Meyer hesitated. He had already used the money Gavin gives for his search, but he feared that Gavin might sabotage it because of his brother. However, he doesn't have anyone who can help him. So which will it be? Continue milking Gavin until he gets his revenge? Or just leave him and do his own plan?

Gavin stood up and walked towards one of the bags he brought. He took out one box and gave it to Meyer. He opened it and turned paler than he is now.

"Trust me, Meyer. If I betray you, you can kill me."

Meyer was shaking. On his hands is a pistol case. Engraved on the grip was the Thanakun coat of arms, including an embossed horse like the one on Kao's ring. The cover had the Nattapol's gun company logo. There were also spare rare bullets.

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