Still, all that just made their marriage even stronger but there came one point in their life where they decided they needed something else, and that's where the now not-so-small Frankie came in.

"We shouldn't do this if you don't want to."

"No, it's not that. It's just," the Russian was silent for a second before looking scared at the doors of the adoption center, "What if I'm not a good mother?"

"Oh, Kat, no one can be cent percent sure that they will be a good mother. But we're here because we can give a good life to one of those little ones and above all, tons and tons of love," Trixie explained with a smile, holding her wife's hand to assure her that everything would be okay because they were about to take that adventure together. "Also, I would be so lucky if my son or daughter ends up like you."

"A lesbian photographer who in her good old days used to run into illegal motorcyclist races?"

Trixie bit her lower lip with a guilty smile.

"Yeah, maybe without the last one."

Both laughed, kissed each other, and entered the place without knowing what they were going to meet.

The social worker they had been talking with to complete the paperwork accompanied them to the playground where all the children were playing, and they quickly found that they would be the center of attention that afternoon. The girls cornered Trixie to caress her hair and show her some of their toys, while the boys were more disinterested because they were too busy playing football. But there was a little black-haired kid who was separated from everyone, reading a book under a tree that caught Katya's attention, so she went where he was.

"Hi, it's okay if I sit with you?"

The little boy looked up, scared but still nodded fearfully.

"I love that book! Who's your favorite character? Mine is Geronimo Stilton; I always wanted to be like him."

The blue-eyed boy just looked at her confused, as if he had no idea what she was talking about, and it was then that Katya realized that the cover of that adventure book was really just a facade to hide another one.

"Ah! You're reading something else, do you mind if I see?"

"No! Please don't tell others. They think I'm a freak."


The boy sighed heavily before letting her see that he was reading the sleeping beauty.

"I don't understand; what's wrong with it? I mean, I don't like the sleeping beauty, but my wife is a huge fan of that story."

"Wife? Don't you mean husband?"

"Oh no, I'm pretty sure she's a woman. Her name is Trixie, and it's that one over there," she explained with a smile, pointing out the pink sweetheart that she loved so much.

"Wow, she's so pretty, and she looks like a princess."

"I know," Katya replied with pride, and every second it passed, she liked the little one in front of her even more. "I'm Katya; what's your name?"

"Uh, I'm Frank."

"Frank. Nice name."

The boy wrinkled his nose with disgust.

"I hate it."

"Well, my name is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, but I prefer Katya. Tell me what you want me to call you and I'll do it."

The one that got away.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now