chapter one

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Honestly this started out as a conversation about how we wished Anna hadn't died and turned into this, so um yeah enjoy.

Finally finished moving in, I wish I had asked mum and dad to help me after all, I forgot how big this place was when you're on your own. The phone lay on the kitchen side starts to beep; an alarm set for her first day of school. She laughs at the thought running upstairs to get ready. "Not long now, I promise."

Phone in hand, Anna looks around the room as if it would tell her if she had forgotten anything. "What am I missing?" Frustrated she leaves for school none the wiser.

[At the school.]

Anna arrives at the front desk already annoyed at the situation she had put herself in. As she was speaking to the very unhelpful administrator a perky blond appears around the corner with a megawatt smile. The woman waves her over, as she hands Anna her papers introducing the girl as Caroline Forbes. She asks her to show Anna around as they are in all the same classes.

Instantly Anna is overwhelmed by the essence that is Caroline she is just so full of life and joy it is hard for anna not to smile, even as she rambles about which boy are hot or not.

Caroline lets out a gasp grabbing Anna's hand dragging her down the corridor. Anna recoils as she sees Katerina leaning against a locker.

"Elena. Oh, my god. How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you," Caroline turns away from the human Katerina to the Bennett witch, "How is she? Is she good?"

Anna doesn't like the way Elena speaks down to Caroline, especially when all she did was care about her friend's health. Such a dopplewhore thing to do. She tunes back into the conversation just in time as Caroline is introducing her to the 2 idiots, fake smile plastered on her face she exchanges hi's hoping Caroline would get her out of there soon.

Anna knew she would have to tell her family about the doppelganger but wanted to wait a little longer there was no danger yet and she was the only supernatural in town. It could wait until she had rescued Pearl and got her out of the hot zone. It was a shame though, she was defiantly going to have to use the brother for the sacrifice now, what a waste of a pretty face she though as Caroline having said her goodbyes once again dragged her down the hall.

Anna turns just in time to see Elena follow her brother into the men's toilets, she smothers a smirk as they leave the building Caroline trying to talk her into joining the cheer squad. Anna cringes,

"Nope, Not me at all I'm afraid." Caroline pouts, but soon perks back up when Anna promises to come watch the try-outs.

After Caroline gives her a quick tour, they end up outside their history class, Anna's eyes widen as she sees Stefan salvator inside making moon eyes at the petrova ganger. Rolling her eyes she tells Carolina she has forgotten to do something in the office and disappears back down the corridor.

Anna skips all classes that day unsure of what her next move would be. At lunch she escaped outside towards the junkie kids knowing Stefan would never mingle here. And as if by a happy accident she literally bumps headfirst into Jeremy gilbert. Laughing she apologises managing to get a small smile out of him in return. Vicki approaches flagging Jeremy. Touching a hand to Anna's elbow he says it was nice meeting her before he disappears with Vicki.

{Later that day}

[Mystic Grill.]

"We're planning a June wedding." Anna catches the end of bonnie and Caroline's conversation.

"So sunshine who are you marrying and do I get to be a bridesmaid." Caroline fakes a swoon leaning into Anna's shoulder.

"Stefan salvator." Bonnie answers laughing as Caroline fans herself.

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