"Try to escape and we kill you," one of the newbies growled menacingly. 

Slowly, the evil people dragged them up the stairs and into a dark hallway, where they turned right and entered a small sitting room, where a snake-looking man sat in a black throne-like chair, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Ah, thank you," he called as they entered the room. "Take your masks off, I want our prisoners to know who you are."

Hermione's head pivoted to the people next to her as all three people removed their masks. She was surprised to see Blaise Zabini holding Ron's arms, smirking at the red-haired boy and Theodore Nott with his arms encasing Ginny's neck. Ginny was still blinking sleepily, not completely aware of what was going on.

She couldn't see the person behind her, but she could only assume it was who she thought it was when Ron's face reddened considerably with hatred when he saw their face, and he muttered, "ferret" under his breath.

Voldy stood up. "Now that we are all comfortable-" Hermione fought the urge to laugh "-Let's talk about what we are going to do with the three of you."

He approached the group slowly, his eyes never leaving Ron's face. "I think that when Harry Potter finds that his best friends and girlfriend are missing, he will make an irrational decision and come after them."

"You're wrong," Ron snarled. "He's not that dumb."

"Is he?" Voldy questioned lightly. "He doesn't have his sidekick or his brains any more, you can't exactly expect him to do something smart. And Miss Weasley here will also work as a nice piece of bait."

"You're despicable," Ginny muttered, glaring at the snakey guy.

The snakey guy shrugged. "Now, what to do with Miss Granger," he jeered, towering over the small witch and brushing his hand over her cheek.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked as Hermione leaned away from the Dark Lord and unfortunately backward into her captor's muscular chest.

"Well surely I only need one of Mr. Potter's best friends as bait," he laughed cruelly. "The other..."

He looked behind her and smirked. "Draco, you can do whatever you want with her."

"Sounds fun," Draco Malfoy remarked, his arm releasing one of Hermione's shackles and snaking around her waist, pulling her closer against him. Then his arm trailed up her chest, closer to her breasts. 

Ron was practically shaking with rage. "You can't do that!" He exploded, writing against Blaise, who held him tight and only rolled his eyes. "That's rape!"

"Trust me, Weasley, in the end, Granger here will be perfectly consenting," Draco jeered, laughing lightly. "Now, I'm going to go enjoy my new prize."

He apparated away without another word. They landed in a dark green bedroom with a large bed in the middle. He removed her shackles immediately, turning her around in his arms. She looked up at him and brushed a hand over his cheek.

Their lips met feverishly, Hermione tugging Draco closer and lacing her hands through his hair. His hands moved from her waist to her backside, pulling her into him as they tumbled sideways down onto his bed. 

"God, I missed you," she muttered between kisses. "It's been way too long. Almost two weeks. Let's never do it again."

Reluctantly, she pulled away and sat up. "Now, tell me what's been going on."

"But we could just lie here and fuck," Draco protested, pulling her kiss-swollen lips against his for a second longer. She laughed and pushed him away.

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