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| Family issues |Song: trampoline - SHAED

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| Family issues |
Song: trampoline - SHAED

Oregon, Salem 2009

This is where my story starts... you would usually hear a story that starts with a happy beginning and a happily ever after, but that is not my story. Not even close.  I'm a monster from hell... my world was lit on fire...

"Sky... SKY! Wake up your going to be late for school." I hear the annoying high pitched voice of Aurora yelling at me. I roll over and open one eye to see where she was in my room. She was standing right next to my bed she then took the covers off of me exposing my skin to the cold air. "Fuck off" I groaned. "Come on Skylar, don't want to piss off mom and dad." She demanded. I groaned again making Aurora scoff.

I turned making me back face her, which made her frustrated. She touched my back and I quickly grabbed her arm. Feeling her magic turn into mine. I then let go and got out of bed. "I feel more awake now, thanks for the jump start sissy." I said to her watching her hold her arm and hurting out of my room.

My family is scared of me, so they favor my other siblings. Aurora the oldest, she is following in mother and fathers footsteps. They taught her to hate me and for what I am, a disgrace to the coven. She has always treated me like trash though. And my sweet little brother Colton. He has always looked up to me. He is only five so he doesn't know. He is so sweet to me and he is probably the only person in my family that truly loves me, and I don't want to lose his trust. He is my soft spot, and I don't have many soft spots for anyone or anything.

I am a defective witch with no magic. I can take other peoples magic. This defect only happens in some covens. In this case it runs in my family coven and the Parker family coven.

I have been told tales of how the Parker family was big. With two sets of twins and four single born kids. I have been told that one of the oldest twins the son went mad and killed all of his siblings except his twin sister and another set of twins. He wanted to be leader of his coven. The parkers do this weird merging with the sibling thing.

I think it is kind of dark but I guess that's how they work. Our family coven has only one leader my father. He has told me sister that she has to take over. I over heard them talking outside. I want to be the leader, if anything I am more of a leader then her. When I'm leader I can have all the power I want. When you become the coven leader you are channeling everyone who is in it. That is a lot of power for just one person to handle. I guess that's what that one Parker twin wanted.

In order to become leader of our family coven is a battle of power. Generations of tests for becoming the leader. I find it a whole load of bullshit. That's another reason why my family hates me. I find the coven and the rules a whole load of bullshit.

As I run down stair through the kitchen out of the house skipping breakfast. As I run out of the house I hear a little Colton's voice call out, " Bye Skywer."
I smiled and just walked to my friends house. Emily Brooks was my best friend, my only friend.

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