Chapter Twenty-Four :

Start from the beginning

As almost an hour passes by, everyone has arrived at Toby's house. Piper looks over at Brantley as she raises an eyebrow confused, while the rest look at Asher as he was standing beside Brantley.

Piper : Well? What is it? You called us here for a reason. It better be a good damn reason.
O'Shay : Asher?
Ruby : Is it bad?
Brantley : So yesterday someone dropped off mine and Asher's phone at our doorstep. I was confused but when I saw my phone, I got concerned because of my lock screen.
Tyler : What does your lock screen have to do with this?
Brantley : Here, take a look.

Brantley hands everyone his phone as their eyes widen, and they get a bit creeped out. Piper looks away and O'Shay flips the phone over.

Ruby : That's the freak that was after us!
Tyler : I thought we ran him over?
O'Shay : How did you managed to get a picture of him on your lock screen?
Brantley : I didn't. I'm assuming he had my phone and was the one who dropped my phone off. Also, I'm pretty sure he survived.
Toby : Wait, you're telling me. He knows where you live? That's fucking crazy.
Brantley : Don't worry. We were told that officers would be patrolling around my house, while they search for him.

Asher sighs and unlocks his phone and hands his phone over to the group, as they all raise their eyebrows. Ruby points at the phone confused and looks at Brantley,

Ruby : Is that you?
Brantley : Yeah.
Ruby : Who's the other-
Asher : Me.
Toby : You're telling me, this portrait of two kids, are you both?
Asher : I also received my phone at my doorstep and I told my dad. We had went over to Brantley's house to mention it and talk about it.
Tyler : You saw your dad, Brantley?
Brantley : Yeah.
O'Shay : Have you told the police about any of this?
Asher : We haven't, but we will tomorrow morning.
Piper : That's the smart thing to do.
Brantley : For what I could tell, the freak is focused on Asher and I.
Toby : What do you mean by "focused"?
Asher : Whoever is behind this, knows the story behind Brantley and I.
Brantley : Exactly. This picture has to be edited because it can't be possible for a picture of us both to exist.
Asher : Unless there was a time in our lives, we were in the same place at the same time?
Brantley : Maybe?

The group all stay in the living room as Toby sees his parents car pull up in the driveway. He sighs and rolls his eyes, as they all look over the window. Hearing some argument outside, Toby apologizes in advance and watches the door unlock as it opens, while his parents walk in unaware,

Dylan : I just don't understand why you do this crap!
Mia : It was just once and you should be thanking me I help get you this damn job because if it wasn't for me, you would be back with that-

They both turn and see Toby and everyone else sitting on the couch. Mia sighs and apologizes as she hugs each one of them and pinches Brantley's cheek, while Dylan stands and waves at everyone, smiling.

Mia : I'm sorry about that everyone. I heard about what happened, I am very much happy to see you all safe. You guys are welcome to stay, Toby's dad and I will give you guys space.
Toby : Yeah, thanks mom.
Dylan : We are happy to hear you guys made it home safe. We are here for you all.
Mia : You must be Asher? Brantley's younger brother?
Asher : Oh... y-yes ma'am. Lovely to meet you both.
Mia : Very well polite, just like your brother.

Brantley smiles as Mia and Dylan walk outside to the backyard. Toby rolls his eyes and sighs as Asher smiles. Piper stands to go use the bathroom as the rest look at each other. Brantley and Asher go to the kitchen to privately talk, as Ruby looks over to Toby.

Ruby : Did you tell him?
Toby : What?
Ruby : How your madly in love with him.
Toby : Shut up, and no I haven't. I haven't found the good time to tell him.
Ruby : There is never a good time to tell someone you like them. Life happens like this shit we are all going through. Life is too short and we may die tomorrow or the week after. You should tell him before you miss your chance, again.

Toby nods as Piper comes back from the restroom and sits down next to Tyler. Toby offers everyone a drink, as the brothers try to understand what they're going through.

Asher : I'm just saying, maybe there was a time where we met as kids?
Brantley : Impossible. My mom never let me out of her sight.
Asher : I would hope so. Maybe dad kidnapped you and-
Brantley : What the hell? That's just creepy.
Asher : I'll have to ask dad.
Brantley : Your dad
Asher : Why do you do that?
Brantley : What?
Asher : He's your dad too.
Brantley : Ash, he cheated multiple times and left us. He had a whole ass secret life with your mom. He basically made my mom's life hell. He fucked her life up, which fucked my life up. I don't think I can forgive him for that.
Asher : He wants to make things right. He's trying. Can you please try and-
Brantley : And what? Forgive him? So we could be this big, wonderful joyful family you had always dreamt of? I don't think so. I'm sorry. Wake up, stop dreaming silly fantasies.

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