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Juniper leaned her head against the fogged up windowsill, staring out at the snowy landscape flying by her.

"Oi!" Leo waved a hand in front of her face, "Earth to Junie."

"I'm here." Juniper smiled, snapping out of it. It was hard to clear her mind when Teddy was sitting right across from her.

"You went all space cadet on us for a second." Charlie chuckled, nudging her. Juniper laughed lightly, mind still wandering.

Teddy eyes flicked to hers, so brief that Juniper almost didn't catch it.

James sighed, chattering on about what he had been the whole damn train ride, what to get Rory for Christmas. He was adorably obsessive over it. "So should I get her something small? Or like-"

"Oh my fucking god-!" Vanessa poked her head in the compartment, groaning, "You're still on this?"

James chucked his gloves at her head, "Shut up Ness!"

"He realizes that it's never going to happen, right?" Vanessa turned to Juniper, arms folded.

"When has he ever?" Juniper giggled, smirking at a very irritated James. She noticed an odd, sort of sneaky, knowing expression on Teddy's face. What could that be about?

"This is important, you guys!" James protested, glaring at his sisters. "It's different! This is-"

"The year!" Everyone in the compartment chorused in unison, snickering.

"Trust me mate." Charlie raised his eyebrows, "We know."

"Well, I think we need to have a little more faith in James." Teddy patted his friend on the back encouragingly, "It's alright buddy, I believe you."

"Teddy is the only one in this family who loves me." James lamented morosely.

"See, " Vanesa couldn't resist, flashing a smug smile, "you don't need Rory. You already have a boyfriend."

The rest of them snorted, while James flipped Vanessa off, "Who invited you in here in the first place, you miniature gnome?!"

Vanessa sucked in her cheeks, eyes narrowing in challenge, "I just came in to let you know we're almost home, you moony eyed freak of nature." Before Vanessa ducked out of the compartment, snarling, she added, "Who's never going to get laid."

Juniper gave her sister a high five for that one.

"Junie!" James looked to her in betrayal.

"What?" Juniper laughed, "It was a good one."

"We shared a womb!" James clutched a hand to his heart dramatically.

"Well we share something even more important." Vanessa said, winking at Juniper.

"Oh really?" James rolled his eyes as the train halted to a stop, gears grinding on the tracks with a screeching sound. "And what could that possibly be?"

"An annoying arse brother." Vanessa smiled sweetly.

"Ooh same!" Rose popped up behind Vanessa, Evelyn and Ethan in tow.

"Me too!" Evelyn echoed.

"HEY!" Their brothers all cried reproachfully, offended.

The girls burst out laughing, while the boys just shook their heads, vowing to get them back.

"Now let's go!" Rose beckoned impatiently, "We've got to get Cali, slowpokes."

"Coming." Charlie said, everyone starting to grab their trunks from overhead and walk out the door.

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