He's pulling my leg.

That's what he does. I'm
dealing with a guy who
thinks he's a comedian online.

All the remarks and teases
are spoken by the language
of sarcasm he uses 24/7.

Alex loves getting
a big reaction out of people
for entertainment purposes.

I spend too much time convincing
myself that it's all harmless
jokes, that I never glance at
the path where he's possibly spilling
honest sober thoughts.

"Very funny." I reply but with nothing that threw out that I found it humorous, a stoic face displaying on my features as I find a spot next to his legs to let my worn-out body relax.

Brows begin to knit together by the response that left him puzzled, now resting his palms on his stomach that ever so slightly rise when breathing.

"You're not laughing, I'm not laughing." Alex begins, also seeming to grow quickly tired from the position he tried settling with for a moment, starting to lie on his side with knuckles digging into his cheek to keep his head lifted.

"So do you think I may be joking?"

It's so unexplainable, but I do wanna shake my head like mad to be convinced that he was never pushing my buttons from the start of the night. If he wasn't under the influence, how many outcomes would this dumbfounding confession have on hold for us?

If I never pestered Alex to take one gulp down of vodka, would he still find himself being in control of his face inching closer by the second to mine? Would we still observe all our little flaws in silence that we could both agree on that it was soothing to do so?

Would I sit tight through it all as I be hypocritical to my stated boundaries?

"You're drunk—"

"Cállate, por favor cariño." The black haired boy starts with a fed up tone, but it gradually softened by the innocent nickname that was disguised as a weak apology for the abrupt attitude.

"I'm not even sure why I suggested it may be you, okay?" The speech of his became slower when saying, taking notice in his eyelids half closing like it's becoming too heavy to lift up. A new position the third time being made, but to be more cozy for planning on slumbering Los Angeles' luminescent moon away. Prayers have been answered just of right now, he's beginning to feel heavy-eyed.

"But it felt right."


The sunlight found it's way to shine through the thin curtains, the gleaming light causing my eyes to flutter open as my vision gets time to adjust my surroundings.

I'm met with a quiet snoozing Alex beside me, finding him laying flat on his stomach with his arms wrapped around a pillow, head turned to the side which he would've made immediate eye contact with me if his sleep was interrupted.

My realization has finally hit by taking note on how close our faces are together, beginning to scramble off the bed in the process of nearly losing my balance.

𝐷𝐸𝑆𝑃𝐼𝑆𝐸  ; 𝑄𝑈𝐴𝐶𝐾𝐼𝑇𝑌Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant