(R) The Harder They Fall by heypeeps834

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Genre: Romance/Humor

Status: Ongoing

The Harder They Fall is a romance story coupled with comic scenes between the characters, not particularly the leads though. It most certainly is a fun read so far and has potential to be a page turner in the future.

While the chapters were short and had grammatical errors, I found myself reading up to the last update. Since it's an initial draft of the story, it did have it's moments of laughter and intrigue. I cannot wait to read the further updates because, if it is executed properly, it'll turn out to be a good one.

The Harder They Fall is about a 22-year-old quarterback who is not your typical playboy as noted from the story so far. He has a young daughter and his wife just left him when the child was born. Now he's on the lookout for a nanny.

Jasmine aka Jazz, takes up the said job. What's more interesting is the bond that Jasmine and Cole's daughter, Gracie, form. I absolutely adore the two. I hope there is more for all of to explore. Cole and Jasmine still have to form the bond to get where they have to be. Either Jasmine will mend his broken heart or she'll remain just a nanny. I am hoping for the former.

However, after reading the chapters, my concerns lie with the grammar and certain adult scenes. It felt as if the words or scenes were missing from their respective chapters. I would highly suggest the writer to go over and proofread all the chapters that have been written. In addition, for Wattpad, the length of the chapter might be okay, but as a publishing tip, it would be advisable to increase the word limit of every chapter.

As for the story's cover, it's good, but could use a change and align more with the content.

Last, but not the least, pop by @heypeeps834's profile and give this story a read!

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Grace xo

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