It's just a game. A lie to make you trust him again.

"Don't try to make me like you. We know where that went last time." I'm back to pacing, and his eyes still follow me as a walk across the soft carpet.

"Can't you let me have a little fun? We're both tired, beaten down by our own exhaustion. We deserve some fun." I stop again and glare at him.

"We're in the middle of a war." I remind him. He groans and runs his hand down his face tiredly. He spreads out his arms and falls back onto the soft covers of my bed.

"I know." He complains. For once, he's not acting like he's ancient. He's acting like a moody teenager that's just been told off. It almost makes me want to laugh with him. Almost.

"It's time you go." I say hurriedly, summoning a small amount of light into my hand. The Darkling lifts up his head, his brows furrowed.

"What? No--Alina---" But before he can continue, I thrust the ball of light at him and he vanishes as the light dies and my room is plunged into darkness.

I quickly turn the light back on, my chest rising and falling quickly. After everything that's happened, I'm not too fond of being in the dark.

Mal's still pleading with me to open the door, oblivious to the conversation I just had with our greatest enemy. 

It scares me that a small part of me wants to go to the Darkling. This---connection we have keeps pulling me towards him, and I don't know why.

No. I think to myself. I'm not going to go to him. I look back at my door and frown. But I'm not going to stay here, either. I'm done.


Within minutes, I have a small satchel packed full of backup clothes, money and items I may need for my journey. I'm not sure where I'm going, but I know it has to be far away. I hate leaving, but I can't do this anymore. I can't kill Mal. I can't defeat the Darkling. I can't risk everyone's lives just for us to fail.

Without a second glance back at my room, I open the window and jump out, landing clumsily on the soft grass. The full moon lights my way as I weave through the trees towards the back exit of Os Alta.

I spare one last look at the beautiful place I called home, before jumping over the fence and running away to freedom.


- Mal's POV -

I pound on her door, begging her to let me in.  I don't know what's wrong with me. Ever since we found out that I was the third amplifier, things have been off between us. Something just---changed. 

"Alina! Let me in!" My voice is hoarse, weakened by the hours I've been yelling her name.

I press my ear to the door and sigh. Silence. 

I press my back against the door and slide down, burying my face in my knees.

I'm an idiot.

I place my hands on the cold marble floor as I lean my head back and close my eyes. I sit in silence for a second, before the hairs on the back of my neck stick up.

Something's wrong.

I place my hear to the ground, and wrinkle my nose when I feel the brisk spring air hit my face. I stop.

How is a breeze coming under the door?

"Alina----" I shout more urgently, rattling the golden doorknob. "Please let me in."

No response. Either she's asleep, or I may have a bigger problem on my hands.

Panic seizes my chest as I grab a saber off of the wall and wedge it between the double doors, sliding it down quickly so that it unbolts the door. I hear the satisfying click, before throwing open the doors and running inside.

"Alina?" I whisper, my eyes tracing over the room, finally landing on the open window. I run over, my stomach ramming into the windowsill, but I can't feel anything. I look down and run my fingers through my hair when I see the clearly visible footprints leading away from the Little Palace.

I'm screwed.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Crows and Crowns"! Just in case any of y'all are confused, it takes place in the middle of Siege and Storm and will include the Six of Crows characters (minus jurda parem). I'll try to update soon, but school has been pretty overwhelming lately so my schedule may end up being just weekly uploads! Have a great day/night!

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