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Harry entered the castle as he looked at the second year Hufflepuffs play on the ground with Gryffindors without any fear, it felt different standing there although it was the same as when he had left. Hogwarts stood in its glamour and pride such that no one would say that it was almost destroyed in the war. Now five years after the war he stood in front of the school again but this time not as a student but as a teacher. Harry was an Auror but after working there for four years he realized this wasn't what he wanted to do. Sure catching criminals and saving the world seemed nice but he was done with the part hence when he received a letter from professor McGonagall that there was a position of Defence against dark arts open he gave his resignation and caught the first train back to Hogwarts without a second thought.

"Sir would you teach us how to cast a Patronus?"

A fifth year Slytherin boy asked as others looked at him waiting for an answer. It had been a month since he had started working here and things had been good the students like him the other teachers were quite welcoming too. Neville worked as the Herbology professor so that was a good thing too.

"Yes I will but understand it is not as easy as it looks."

"That's why you cast it in your third year itself Potter?"

A slim figure asked as he walked inside the class one eyebrow raised mockingly as if daring Harry to say otherwise. One thing which was surprising  to him was Malfoy who worked as Potions professor the surprising thing being that the students loved him. People liking Malfoy that was something Harry hadn't think he'd see but Harry himself knew it was a lie after the war he himself had come to like the blond ferret. Now that they didn't have their rivalry they would barge into each other classes just like that it had almost become common and no one would be surprised if one of them barged in the students would just roll their eyes and continue with their work while the professors bickered.

"Professor Malfoy would you like to tell me why have you barged into my class."

Harry scowled at Malfoy who was smirking at him. 

"I just happened to pass by when I heard you telling the students about the Patronus. Thought I check it out too." 

Harry rolled his eyes at the Slytherin but then smirked Malfoy wanted to see his Patronus didn't he would show it to them. 

Harry raised his wand as he cast the spell soon his Stag was standing there in all it's glory while everyone watched it in awe. Harry smirked at Malfoy as he faced him.

"Malfoy why don't you show us your Patronus?" Harry smirked.

Malfoy scowled and glared at Harry with I-can't-believe-you-said-that and a You-know-why look as Harry laughed loudly catching attention of a few kids who then looked between the two professors in confusion. They had heard the rivalry between Potter-Malfoy from their school years but right now the two looked different but they couldn't pinpoint it. The four students smirked at each other at their new mission.

Professor Malfoy left the class haughtily grumbling under his breath about stupid Potter. 

Later that evening the two Gryffindors two Slytherin group from earlier met in ROR as he talked about the their classes and their latest pranks. Later the topic shifted to the two professors as the students smirked at their latest prank, they were going to set their DADA and potions professor together. The four fifth years plotted their next moves carefully throughout the night while the unsuspecting professor slept peacefully.

Harry was in his class checking the students essay alone when Malfoy came in the room.

"Potter you called for me?" Malfoy looked confused.

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