~a new spring leaf~

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        "Aren't you excited?" He started to skip ahead a little so he could peer over my shoulder as we walked. Ah, Unusual hilichurl, my long term and only best friend. It amazes me that even now as we are in the middle of high school, he still manages to be the same he always has been, like a little puppy. A puppy who has constantly followed me around, even in my earliest memories. 

      "Oh, mmhm. I guess I am." I responded softly, hoping he will get the memo to quiet the fuck down, oh my god.  He's always has had the tendancy to border-line scream everything he says. Usually, this doesnt bother me too much, but its early and im already irked enough. I guess I do appreciate his energy though, even if he can be fucking annoying.

      "Awe come on, its going to be great! We're finally in the same class together!" He said as he circled around me in dance as I walked slowly.  "Bless the Abyss Order!!" He dramatically put his hands in the air as if he was praying, then looked at me for my reaction.

     I gave in and let out a chuckle, "Whatever." You say to him playfully, sticking your tongue at him just to egg him on even more. 

      It was the first day of school after spring break, AKA the start of a new semester. Our highschool is split up in multiple, randomly selected classes that are spread across different small buildings. We do this to not draw attention from the humans. A big building packed full of monsters would be practically begging for a massacre. Thankfully, the building where me and Sual (this will be the nickname for Unusual hilichurl btw) is not too far away from where we reside.

       "Oh-oh-oh-oh! I forgot to show you!" He started to frantically started to fumble through his pockets, pulling from one of them a single dandelion.

      I serveryed the bent, beat up dandelion he help out infront of me proudly. It was just a simple dandelion..."Huh?" I questioned.

      "I plucked this dandelion.... right from the gates of Mondstadt!" He said through a smile full of pride.

       I stopped in my tracks, facing straight at him, "Wait... you're serious? ... YOU went to the gates and came back ALIVE??" I said in in half pretend shock and half geniune. Moments like this remind me how geniunely stupid he can be.

       "Yeah thats right." He smugly shot back. "And it was worth it! Have you seen that town???!"

       "Well, no of course not. Not looking to get my ass beat by some human..."

       "You should come with me tonight then!" He marveled, leaning towards me in excitement. "You would not believe it! Theres so many lights and flowers! Its so colorful and bright, even in the dark! Its so beautiful! Please you have to see it!" His eyes basically lit up as he described to me this apparant wonderland.

     I hesitated at first, but I couldn't deny my interest nor the glow in his eyes, "Okay fine... I'm free tonight so we might as well. Just don't get me killed okay?!" I yanked one of his horns teasingly, making him duck towards the ground.

    "Ow!! Stop you know my right horn is sensitive!!" He annoyingly whined, before laughing along with me.

     We continued to walk along the way until we finally reached the building where our schooling would take place. It was a small wooden structure shrouded by stone of the nearby mountain. It even had a small pound full of plants near it! It was actually pretty cute...

     He looked over to me in excitement before rushing to the door of the building. I jogged over behind him, praying that the people in the class would at least be decent.

author-senpai notes: okay heres the start should I continue lol this is rly fun. also should i draw the characters? THIS IS SO HARD TO TAKE SERIOUSLY HELP. next chapter you'll meet all the monsters along with andrius and oceanid.

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