Start from the beginning

"Huh," Thanos smirked, "A witch." He mumbled. Ivana swings her hand towards his associates and they were all thrown once again. When one of them wanted to shoot her, she had control of his hand and the shoot hits Thanos. But since Thanos was so huge, it was nothing to him.

"Your boyfriend is one fool man, young lady. I am surprised at how you can fall in love with a fool. Maybe, you are also a fool." Thanos said, smirking to make the young lady anger. But Ivana wasn't intimidated by him. She replied with a smirk too. "If I was a fool, I will be working on your side, purple asshole," Ivana said.

"Rude," Thanos replied standing straight, ready to attack Ivana. "You are ruder." Ivana smirk. With that, their fight begins. Since Thanos has the Power stone, he was powerful with it. Every attack was powerful for Ivana but she could fight it back. But not for so long.

She was hit by his punch, sending her, meters away from him. Thanos sighed as he looks at the young lady who is trying to get up again. "Enough. I do not want to fight again. Just give me the Tesseract." Thanos said. "If you want the Tesseract, over my dead body," Ivana said, breathing heavily and shaking.

At the same time, Thanos' other associates have woken up and got up for the fight with their leader. Ivana watched as they walked towards their leader with their weapons.

Ivana was already exhausted. Something else was bothering and worrying her. She didn't want to do this. But she didn't want Thor and Loki involve again. Loki has done much trouble and Thor is badly injured.

"Actually, over our dead bodies." Loki's voice made Ivana turned to her right. She shook her head. "You're done, Loki. Don't add more trouble." Ivana said sternly. Loki smirked. "And, who are you to stop me, Lady Alexander? This monster has killed my people. I am the Prince of Asgard and I should be the one fighting for these people." Loki replied. Ivana sighed and turned back to Thanos.

5 monsters versus the God and Goddess of Mischief and Trickster. Thanos smirked as he let his associates start the fight first. Ivana and Loki fight the monsters but, they were powerful more than Ivana expects. It made her a little worried about defeat here. She didn't want to lose. She didn't want to. She tried a lot of methods to fight them but every attack was avoided by them easily.

In one shoot, Ivana was sent lying on the ground. Loki was shocked and lose focus on the fight. Ivana's power was at risk. Even though it has been years she tried to control her power, sometimes, it cannot be stable, and sometimes, it loses control and it could harm everyone including the innocents, and worse, Ivana herself. Loki ran towards Ivana, seeing her unconscious, he was scared.

"Ivana," he wakes her up but she didn't wake up. Thanos stopped his associates from attacking them. "Ivana, please. Wake up," Loki said, holding her head. She has some bruises and wounds around her arms and face.

Since Ivana was weak, her power to make anyone invisible also weakens, making Thor, visible to their enemy. He threw an iron thing on Thanos but just to receive a strong kick from Thanos, sending him flying onto the ground.

Ivana was unconscious. Loki has no more choices but to save his loved ones. Ivana and Thor. He knows he has to do it. Loki stood up and walked towards Thanos. "L-Loki," Ivana's weak voice was heard. Loki turned to her and smile blandly. "D-Don't," she muttered.

He sighed and put up his hand. The Tesseract appeared in his hand. The blue cube thing. Thanos smiled when he sees the Tesseract. "You really are the worst brother," Thor mumbled to Loki. Ivana watches as Loki held the Tesseract in his hands. "I assure you, brother . . ." Loki paused and continued, "the sun will shine on us again."

"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian," Thanos said. "Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian," Loki said. "And for another, we have a Hulk," Loki said. With that, a loud roar was heard and Hulk came, pushing Thanos away from Loki and Thor. To save Thor, Loki let go of the Tesseract and grabbed Thor.

The Hulk was fighting well for the first few seconds. Not until Thanos started to attack back. It was hard for Ivana to watched the Hulk got hit multiple times before passing out with a hard knock. Ivana slowly crawled towards the Hulk. With her leftover strength, she uses it to check on the Hulk. She exhaled in relief when hearing his heartbeat.

Thor wanted to attack Thanos but he was then hit back and sent to the ground easily. One of Thanos' associates that has the power of also a witch, gathered the steels and kept Thor from joining the fight. Heimdall who was also already down and witnessing the fight between the Mad Titan and the Princes of Asgard and the warriors were devastated.

He spared a glance at Thor. A pleading look from Thor since he couldn't do anything anymore. With the last will for Asgardians and to save the world, Heimdall said, "Allfathers, let the dark magic flow through me one last time." His hands were let towards the Hulk and Lady Alexander.

With that, a flow of rainbow light comes through the room, carrying the Hulk and Lady Alexander out of the ship. Ivana spared a look at Loki and he smiled blandly. The light was speedy and, in seconds, the Hulk and Lady Alexander were sent out of the ship and towards the Earth.

The light travels speedily and eventually, sending them crashing into someone's house. It happened to be the Wizard's home. Dr. Stephen Strange and Wong had just walked down the stairs before something crashes into the staircase. They were shocked by it and quickly ran towards the huge hole that was done by the crash landing.

"Thanos is coming," Bruce panted.

"He's coming."

Doctor Strange furrowed his eyebrow as he looked at Bruce.



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