Put her first

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"Why am I the one you wanna get into it with for the drama?" -Days In the East. Drake.

Fallen, Kim laid on the ground as Rihanna stood a few feet away from the both of them, gun in hand and a quivering body she took deep breathes to calm herself down.

Nicki attempted to stand up but was stopped by a strong grip of Kim's hand over her arm and a gun shot was heard.


A sound that pertained and resonated throughout the beach. Nicki screamed and grimaced as the pain shot through her abdomen and dispersed around her body.

Rihanna:" NO!"
"A narrative focused on Drake..."

It was like the world stopped still, paused and fast forward a few seconds as the ringing was the only sound that rang through. Nicki's body dropped heavily to the ground and a strident scream slipped her lips. Strangely to Drake, his heart began to pound so loud he heard it beat in his ears.

Instinctively he ran forward to her aid, with the other two following in tow. Nicki's blood was flowing mercilessly as he knelt down beside her and looked down. She had just closed her eyes making Rihanna shriek in hysterics, resulting in Drake to take action.

Drake:" Chris, stand Rihanna up we need to bring Nicki to the hospital. Quick."

Chris still shocked by the events that had transpired, pulled Rihanna up in a trance and pulled her towards the car, buckling and securing her in her seat, while making his way to the drivers seat. It wasn't long that Drake was positioned in with Nicki between his arms, applying pressure to her wound.

Like a maniac Chris drove speedily to the hospital and made it in 15 minutes to the front sliding doors of the emergency section.

With Nicki in his arms, Drake ran to the reception not caring to close his side of the door, looking around for a nurse or a doctor for assistance. By chance, the doctor who took care of their father's case a few hours earlier was walking by and stopped having a vague feeling he knew who they were.

A group of doctors and nurses assembled once that doctor called for help and took her in another section of the hospital, leaving Drake, Rihanna and Chris in a secluded waiting room, where no one but them were waiting in panic.
It wasn't long before two police officers and a nurse stood in front of them. The nurse nodded towards the officers and left, allowing them their privacy for the questioning they were about to conduct.

Drake sighed and rolled his eyes, certain they would try and put the blame on him, as he was a well known and recognised man in the police department. He was one they wanted to arrest so badly but they never had the evidence to send him down.

Policeman 1:" Good afternoon. How are you Mr.Graham?"
Drake:" what do you want?"
Policeman 2:" what relations do you and the young lady in the operation room share?"
Drake:" She's my fiancée."

Bitting his tongue, Drake's cheeks started to redden a little as he solely focused his gaze on the policemen and not Chris and Rihanna who had clearly heard what he said.

He himself didn't know why that was the first thought of lie that came out, but he dealt with it and no longer dwelt on it as they asked more questions.

Policeman1:" what happened?"
Drake:" Y'all know I got enemies... got a lot a enemies (💀🌚)... It's not hard to figure it out really."
Policeman2:" I suppose you don't want to put in a report?"
Drake:" No!"
Policeman:" We'll see you around Mr. Graham." *he smirked*
Drake:" pff. If you say so."

When both men left the doctor arrived and Rihanna was the first one standing in front of him as the other two stood a distance back listening to what he had to say.

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