around .

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A lot of fights were happening between me and my boyfriend, Lucas. It has been going around for atleast a week now and to be honest, I'm exhausted of constantly arguing with him over the stupid little things. Being fed up, I walked out on him and left our shared apartment. Having no place to crash in for the night, I decided to go instead to Hendery's place. I really don't want to go back home and I'm tired of always being the loser everytime me and my boyfriend argues.

Hendery's place were just two blocks away from our place, so it's not that far and I could just walk to go there. Upon arriving at his home, I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door for me. A minute later, I found Hendery in front of me, clearly shocked upon my sudden arrival. I just smiled awkwardly.

" Oh, Y/n. What brings you here at this late hour? " Hendery asked, looking around. I cleared my throat before speaking, " Um, can I crash in here just for tonight? I don't want to go back home just yet. " he gave me a puzzled look, looking slightly confused, " Yeah, sure! But what happened though? " He curiously asked.

" Can I go in first? It's cold out here, I'm freezing. " I shivered, due to the cold breeze. He let me in eventually and I plopped down to his soft couch, letting out a sigh of relief.

" So, what's up? " Hendery joined me on the couch, " It's very unusual for you to come here,
especially at this late hour. " he added. I chuckled, making him look at me weirdly. " Let me guess, did you and Lucas fought again? " I didn't dare to answer, for that he already got me.

" Third time this week, Dery. I can't stay there any longer, it's getting on my nerves everytime
I think about it. " I sighed, looking on to him. He flashed me a small smile, then bringing his hand to pat my back softly. " I-I just can't, it's been happening more often and I just can't seem to know what's up with him. " I added.

" Shh, it's okay. I know you're going through a
tough time right now, but please, don't stress
yourself over an argument that has been going on for three consecutive times now. " Hendery
worriedly muttered out, and somehow, his words made my heart fluttered just a little bit.

" You know what? Why don't we just eat ice cream and watch a movie? Maybe that could help on making you feel more at ease. " He suggested, and I know as much as he does that I could never say no for a bowl of ice cream.

It was all hard to believe on how much Hendery knows me that much. After all, we've known each other for almost a decade now and I think he's already aware that I'm a sucker for the cold, sweet and creamy treat that he's about to offer. Minutes later, Hendery got back with two bowls of ice cream and I clapped happily like a little child by just the sight of it.

" Luckily for you, I bought Cookies and Cream. That's your favorite, am I right? "  Hendery smirked, and I nodded excitedly as a response.
He offered me the bowl and I was fast to snatch it from his hand, my eyes sparkling with so much excitement.

" Hey, calm down. No need to get overly excited, it's just ice cream dude. " He says, but
Hendery immediately zipped his mouth when I
sent him a death stare, " Okay, sorry! "

We ended up watching Spider Man. And I could tell that Hendery was so immersed on watching the film that he didn't even notice me. I don't mind though, so I'll just let him do his own thing while I try to keep myself awake.

Hendery's POV

The movie comes to an end, and I have to say that no matter how many times I've watched it, still, it gets me everytime. That's how much I am a sucker for these kinds of movies.

" Y/n,  the movie's over, do you want to go to sleep now— oh. " I was surprised to see my best friend passed out on the couch, letting out soft snores as she sleeps peacefully.

I can't help but to smile at the sight, at how peaceful she looked. I leaned in closer to fix her position, so that she'll be more comfortable. I went to get a pillow then a blanket, and wrapped it around her body so she'll be kept warm for the rest of the night.

I took the risk to press a light kiss on her forehead, and saw how she shifted from her sleep, her mouth forming into a small smile. I
sighed, if only she knew.

" Sleep tight, xiaohua. "

words : 0.8k


Hey there! I hope you liked this short oneshot!
I had a hard time deciding between Mark and
Hendery but in the end, I chose to do my loml!
I assure you all that I'll do Mark next so stay tuned for that! Have a nice day ahead! <3

xiaohua — little flower

xiaohua — little flower

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