Erin giggled. "Of course not," she joked, making Melody laugh. Their hug was interrupted by a tiny force hitting their legs. Looking down, they saw Aiden smiling up at them with the most adorable smile ever. Then again he was the most adorable kid ever with his father's black hair and Ariel's turquoise eyes. He was basically a mini-Melody.

"Aiden!" Erin exclaimed as she picked him up and spun him around. He giggled as he wrapped his little arms around her neck, squishing their faces together. After placing him back on the ground, she crouched down to his level and asked, "How are you?"

Since Aiden was mute, his primary means of communication was ASL. But when he was around people who didn't understand the language, he'd write things down. "I'm good, Rin. How are you?" He signed.

"I'm doing better now that you're here, kiddo," Erin replied happily. Then, she ruffled his hair, making him laugh and swat her hand away.

"Rin!" Tay exclaimed, coming up to Erin and her family with Tinkerbell in tow. "Hi, everyone!" Formalities went out the window years ago between these families. They were much too close for that.

Ariel smiled at the young blonde. "Hi, Taylor. And Tink, it's wonderful to see you."

"Hi, Miss Bell," Erin and Melody greeted while Aiden signed, "Hi, Miss Bell."

Thanks to Erin and her family, Taylor and Tinkerbell knew sign language. "Hi, Aiden!" They both signed back.

"Hi, Ariel, Eric," Tinkerbell added, going in to hug each of them. "And girls, it's so good to see you both."

Both girls smiled and said, "It's good to see you too."

At that moment, Erin spotted Jay and the others at one of the dessert tables. A smile spread across her face as she crouched down to Aiden's level.

"Want to get some cookies?" Aiden nodded enthusiastically and looked to Eric and Ariel for permission.

They smiled down at their youngest children. "Just not too much, mister," Ariel stated. Erin and Aiden did a celebratory high-five.

"Coming, Mel?"

"You guys go. Bring me back something, kay?"

"You got it," Aiden signed before running to the dessert table, leaving Erin in the dust. She giggled and followed after her younger brother at a steady pace. Aiden was already hard at work trying to sneak sweets off the table. Unfortunately, his height made it difficult, but Aiden was determined as he jumped up and down.

Jay felt something or someone bumping against his leg. When he looked over, he saw a very energetic little boy with black hair, trying to grab snacks off the table. "Hey, little man. What can I get for you?"

"Hey, Jay!" Erin greeted. "I see you've met my brother."

"I thought you looked familiar, little dude."

"Hi. So, you're the guy that wanted my horse," Aiden signed with mischief in his eyes. Jay was lost, not knowing ASL.

Erin placed her hands on Aiden's shoulders. "Aiden, this is Jay. He doesn't know ASL... yet. Jay, Aiden said hello and then said that you must be the guy who wanted to borrow his beloved Mickey in so many signs."

"Oh, yeah. That's me."

As Aiden signed, Erin was all too happy to interpret. "It's nice to meet you, Jay. I'm Aiden."

"Nice to meet you, little man," Jay replied while holding his fist out. Aiden bumped fists with Jay before going back to his hunt for treats. Erin smiled at the interaction. It was rare when someone talked to Aiden like they would a normal person.

Descendants: A Jay Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now